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Please could you tell me- what are the punishments for disobeying/ disrespecting your teachers?.. More
I just finished a university degree in economics (4 years) here in Canada. I have been thinking recently of going into the Islamic Univ. Medinah, S.A. Do you recommend this to me from an Islamic point of view? Is it worth it to spend another 4 years to get another degree in Sharia? .. More
I want to be like the companions of the Prophet and the Salaf in following the Prophet's teachings. However, in our country it is difficult to do so our Ulama' and scholars confuse me about whether teaching the truth about Islam. By their answers to some questions regarding the government or a sensitive issue, they seem fearful of stating the whole.. More
I am in a dilemma whether to read and follow the book written by Sheikh Qaradawi "The Halal and Haram in Islam". I came to know it had some weak Hadith. Please help me in this regard. The second part of the question is what should we do if we are in a situation like this where the ahle-ilm (the family of learned/knowledgeable people) sometime misguide.. More
Asaalam Alakum. I am a new Muslim and have lots of questions that I want answered about Islam. If the prayer is very important, how shall I go about it? Do you recommend any site where I could find the answers?. If there is any audio site can I download it? Also, do I tell my parents I am converted since I am from Hindu background?
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What is the best way for following Islam?.. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices