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484 fatwas

  • Severing ties with parents because of depression

    What is the ruling on avoiding having a relationship with one's parents due to depression? Keep in mind that there are other siblings who take care of the parents. .. More

  • Feeling guilty for living away from parents for long

    Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar. We migrated abroad almost ten years ago. I now feel like I have missed my parents. They live in my home country. My heart is criticizing me and telling me that I abandoned them. They once visited us here, but I feel like that is not enough. I wanted to do so much for them but I cannot. I have three children. We have.. More

  • The ruling on whether grandparents are entitled to obedience in lawful matters

    Shaykh,I realise that grandparents have to be respected a lot and that one is to keep ties with them, but do grandchildren have to obey them in everything that is halal? Could you please explain? .. More

  • Her parents asked her not to call or visit them

    Assalaamu alaikum. My husband has had problems with my father right from the beginning of our marriage, and my father was at fault everytime. He would shamelessly apologise or lie to appease my husband, and my husband would let it goin order to mantain peace. This continued during the first 12 years of our marriage. In the 12th year, certain incidents.. More

  • Status of grandmother in Islam / Going to the mosque early or waiting for cousins to come along

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is the position of the grandmother in Islam? Question 2: Going to the mosque together with my cousins causes me to be2-3 mins late for the prayer sometimes. When I am getting late for the prayer, should I wait for my cousins or should I leave them and proceed for the prayer alone? Sub-question 2. Is it compulsory to invite everyone,.. More

  • Fulfilling the father's wish after his death

    My father forced me into Med School in 2002. I agreed to do Med School although I had no inclination for it. I did not know of Ibn Taymiyyah's fatwa that states that one does not have to obey parents in regards to one's career. All I knew was that if parents want you to do something permissible, you have to do it. I was doing it as being dutiful (Birr.. More

  • How to deal with an abusive disabled father

    Assalaamu alaykum. Last year, my parents, me and my brothers found out that my sister was pregnant without having a husband and, since then, my father has been a horrible man. He has always been verbally abusive ever since I can remember, but he has gotten to the point in which none of us (me and my brothers and sister) care much for him. My mum is.. More

  • Sitting with mother while she watches TV

    I obey and respect my mother as Allah commands, however, my mother is always angry with me because she wants me to talk to her more, but this is difficult for me as she is always watching haram shows on tv. I talk to her when she is not watching tv though, as I assume that it is not permissible to sit and talk to someone who is watching tv, could you.. More

  • The husband is not entitled to command his wife to cut her relations of kinship with her parents

    Assalaamu alaykum. During and after my wedding, there were some problems between my husband, my in-laws, and my parents. Things got pretty ugly. My parents were not giving my husband the respect that he deserved as their son-in-law, and my husband was rude during some of the fighting that went on after the marriage. We had two very big incidents where.. More

  • Father is not entitled to control son's career choices

    As-salamu alaykum I seek guidance on a matter. To keep things short I am 21 year old male living with my father (mother and father seperated). I recently graduated from university with a Aerospace Engineering. With my major, there are very few job oppertunities and most are either on outskerts of the country (airports) and the rest are in manufacturing.. More

  • His mother wants him to cut ties of kinship

    My mom has told me to not uphold the ties of kinship with my paternal aunts and uncles because they backbite, gossip and slander her character. She is scared that they will try to brainwash me, turn me against her, and try to persuade me to reconcile her with my father, who tortured and abused her for more than 20 years. Should I keep the ties of kinship.. More

  • Impermissibility of parents asking their daughter to expose her beauty before non-Mahram men

    A religiously-committed young girl adheres to the Islamic Hijaab and strives in preserving her religiosity, but her parents ask her to wear trousers and t-shirts indoors and expose her beauty and adornment, given that her non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) young male relatives, cousins and brothers-in-law, enter their house freely without seeking.. More

  • Her father forbids her from visiting mother who remarried

    Assalam Aleikum...., My parents divorced and my mum got married to another man. my dad restrict me from going to my mum's place. he also added that he wont be pleased with me in this world and the hereafter whenever i go to my mum's place,i should only meet her any where else but not her house. my mum refuses to meet me any place other than her house.As.. More

  • Parents request that son discloses his income

    As-salamu alaykum I seek guidance on a matter. To keep things short I am 22 year old male living with my family. Alhumduallah the family is well off but recently because of my illness the government has decided to provide funding for myself to help. My parents have asked for the exact figure. I have given an estimate but my parents still want to know.. More

  • Traveling to continue studies when mother is sick at home

    Assalamualaikum Syaikh,I'm from Indonesia, and I always find this website to be very helpful to me. I wanted to ask in Arabic, but I'm not really fluent in it, so I decided to go with English. I will try to explain this subject briefly.I'm 22 years old, and Alhamdulillah have finished my bachelor in Sharia Economics in Indonesia. Now, I really want.. More