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As salam alaikum. I am aware that sex outside marriage and homosexual activities are very major sins. And that if somebody commits these actions they must repent to Allah. But if somebody did these things and Allah covered their sin(s), should such a person get tested for HIV/std's, or would this be considered a form of exposing what Allah has.. More
I am working in a company for so many years and I have cheated company by submitting duplicate bills and made lot of money. How much even I do not know. Also going to restaurant and even getting food stuffs from duplicate bills for years which we had eaten so many years. Still I am working in the same company and getting salary also. Now I want.. More
Asalaamu Alaykum, Brother No. 1 used to be a major sinner and committed sins like zina, drinking, gambling, and much more. He even secretly brought strange women home to commit zina with at night while his family (brothers, sisters, mother and father) were at home. This brother was completely buried in sins and was only a Muslim because he was.. More
Does Allaah The Almighty accept the repentance of adulterers and sorcerers? If so, how can they repent?.. More
Salam moe'alaiekoem, I am in dire need of some islamic advice. I have al relative who is a moslim but his earnings were haram. He was dealing in drugs. Now he regrets it and wants to become clean. He stopped dealing and is becoming a true practicing moslim. He has however some money. His question is what to do with this haram money. He has about ? 59.000.. More
What are the three signs that, when they appear, repentance and embracing Islam will no longer be accepted?.. More
I cursed Allaah The Exalted when I was young, that is, before adulthood, but now have repented to Allaah The Almighty. Will He accept my repentance?.. More
What is the ruling on a person who frequently visited sorcerers but then repented?.. More
What is the ruling on Bid‘ah (religious innovation) and the person who does Bid‘ah?.. More
Does Allaah the Almighty punish people, because of their sins, using bad weather changes and sand storms?.. More
Will adulterers be deprived of Houris in Paradise? Does this apply if they repent?.. More
assalam-u-alaikum I visited your fatwa section where there was a question regarding fornication.A friend of mine had premarital sexual relation.she asked for repentence to Allah Almighty and keeps asking for forgiveness everyday.she is now married.I and her husband know about her past relationship.I found it in the fatwa answers that one should not.. More
Wife of a friend has committed adulery several times .Now she is going to Hajj without seeking forgiveness from my friend as my friend has said that he will not forgive till she does a open Tauba in front of close realtives of both sides . Will the Hajj be accepted without seeking forgiveness from the husband ? Will a sin like several adultery.. More
I am a young man who used to watch pornographic films and share them with my friends, but Allaah The Almighty has guided me to the right path and to repentance. I got rid of all the tapes except one that is with a friend of mine who refuses to return it to me, and I have repeatedly advised him. Am I sinful?
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Is the appearance of the Antichrist one of the Major Signs of the Hour? Will repentance no longer be accepted once any of the Major Signs of the Hour appears?
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