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Sheikh if some one makes istighfar every time he sins but does not leave sins will Allah accept his istighfar kindly clarify
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as we know, allah does not forgive the wrongdoer who has violated another person's rights if the person who got wronged does not this true if the wrongdoer regrets later on, repents sincerely, lives like a person that pleases allah but did not set the matter straight to that person whom he wronged in this world. but in the hereafter it is.. More
Assalam walikum, I know of a couple who fornicated with each other. Few weeks later the girl got her menses. Both of them repented after her monthly period was over. Do they need to wait for her next period in order to get married to each other? Even though they were not involved in sexual relation after they fornicated but they didn't repented until.. More
Aslamu Aleykum,I have a question. I had a Christian friend. I was intimate with her a while ago. She has never been intimate with anyone else before me. I have repented to Allah Almighty and have not touched her for several months. I still want to marry her Islamically, because I just can't cut her out of my life completely. Is this marriage valid then?.. More
Assalamualaikum. What is the ruling on someone who had been doing ibadaat the wrong way or making mistakes because he didn't know and later realized and overcame his mistakes? Were all his previous ibadaats invalid?
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I had iman but then I lost it by going to fortune tellers and watching tarot cards for about 7 years. I have repented
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Assalam alaykumI used to watch pirated anime for five years, although I know that it is forbidden from a site that collects random episodes from various sites. I do not know all the sources stolen from them, nor the amount of losses that I caused, and I cannot communicate with the site owners or companies to apologize. So what do I do
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Is this true that if someone's income is haram,his repentance of other sins is not accepted? It is because as a part of repentance, that person needs to seek Allah's forgiveness for committing the particular sin he is repenting from and seeking forgiveness is a dua and dua made by a person is not accepted if his income is haram. Is this concept true?
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I have touched my baby cousin inappropriate when I was 12 this happened more than 20 years ago. I was sexually abused myself from when I was baby. It was less than a minute and never done it again. How do I repent for this? My cousin knows nothing, if I tell what happened or how I tried to inappropriately touch him so many years ago it will destroy.. More
Assalamalekum, I have been married for 10 years to my wife, we have 2 children, a daughter (4.5 years) And a son (3 years old). My wife had stopped loving me since some years coz of financial problems, She always complained about my low salary that I could not afford a better living, so she was also a working woman, we had a family friend (who is also.. More
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhMy question is If a person commits a sin and then repents from it. But he/she regrets that sin he/she committed and wishes that he/she didn’t commit that sin in the first place. So that wish of he/she has, of not commenting that sin in the first place, is it fall under the category of saying “if only.. More
Assalam o elaikum,If a person while asking a fatwa from a mufti discloses his fornication or Zina. Can his repentance be accepted without the hadd punishment? And can he marry a chaste women after sincere repentance from that ugly act without hadd punishment being enforced on him? Or is the hadd punishment a must for his repentance if he told someone.. More
My father in law was committed in prostitution and alcoholic because of this my mother in law committed suicide, at this scenario father law asking for forgiveness, and his son and daughter not willing to accept because he is not a trustable person he may not stand his word and he may commit sin in future. Kindly guide us on the right things against.. More
Is repentance enough for making up for a protracted lie? It didn’t harm anyone nor was there evil intent but it did occupy others mentally/emotionally —must one confess (painful, disastrous) or is repentance enough? Can you just pray Allah hides it? I am in a lot of mental pain/guilt/regret. Please guide me
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Assalamu Alaikum.My father passed away few days ago. He had cancer. As he is gone, I am remembering everything about how much he cared and loved me and I hurt him so much. I remember so many incidents, where I hurt him a lot. I used to take lot of money from him lying, I need money for this and that. Before he died, I knew his time was near but I was.. More
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