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As Salam u Alaykum, I often get sudden backflashes and remember sins of the past.It is very painful and I hate the memory and then myself.I ask Allah to make me forget.The acts were 10 years ago and I repent everyday.I paid Kafara. What else can I do? How will I know Allah forgave me? How can I regain my self esteem again when I am always burdened with.. More
Selam aleykum, I have a big problem with myself, please help me. 4 years ago I had a boyfriend, he was not a Muslim. I am a Muslim. We were in love. I left my family (they did not agree with relation) and we lived together. I got pregnant. After 100 days (3,5 months) I did abortion, because I was afraid of the reaction of my family. He was very sad... More
A young man used to practise sodomy and adultery and then repented to Allaah The Almighty. Now he wants to deliver lectures warning people against doing evil deeds. What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this? How can he increase his repentance and faith? .. More
What is the ruling on the one who used to be a magician but repented before he died?.. More
Dear Sir, I am staying in Dubai alone. Due to childrens' education, my family is away from me and she can not stay with me. When I feel tired or exuasted, I usualy go for body massage parlour where girls are giving massgae service. Alhamulillah I never did zina with any woman, but I am worried if taking body massage also is a sort of Zina Sageera and.. More
If a person repents for not enjoining good and forbidding evil, will it be accepted? The person is determined to enjoin good and forbid evil in the future. He also intends to tell those who sinned that he was mistaken for not forbidding them from doing evil in the past.
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about steeling, before one year I made a mistake because I bought a cell phone from Haram Money which I took it illegally from my employer & what I am worrying about is whenever I am praying that Haram cell phone is in my pocket; I mean it is with me. So My Dear Sheikh, I want to know whether my prayer, fasting and supplication is valid or invalid... More
Asalamualaikum, Few years ago I uttered something against one of my relative and his family out of extreme anger for no faults of theirs.I did this privately by saying "may no good come to you and your family".I did this out extreme anger and rage and didn't intend any harm.2weeks later his father expired following a complication from surgery.I had.. More
there was a day. i was in the library and i see the holy coran in side the library,i was surprise .i tought this is not the right place for coran and i stold the holy coran from my question is : did i doe something wrong or good?.. More
Salam Sheikh My question is that I am a sunni muslim man 21 y/o I have been tempted to homesexual taughts many times and have acted on them in the past knowing it was wrong. Now I am repenting it and inshallah do not hope to do it again and will be getting married soon. What will happen to me and what is my punishment. Could please quide me as I feel.. More
slam i have a friend who is going through alot of things in her life 1st i well start off by saying she in a young girl like 15 years old she is a very nice girl but then she made new friends who made her get in to alot of bad thing she would like to know what to do now so that she can be happy she was going to marry a man that she liked and who her.. More
Sheyk Please Advice me what To do. I was once very religous very good with worship sunna and everything with islam. untill i met a girl and became in love with her i wanted to marry her but the family refused me, so they married her to another men with the same tribe as the girl. sins then i did bad things, bad sins like watching bad video's masturbation,.. More
Asalam Alaikum I am a muslim girl and I am very depressed nothing is going right in my life, I am failing at everything I do and I used to do all my prayers and was a beginning to be a very good practicing Muslim during that time I felt very close to Allah and very safe. As more school work came so did more stress and i had stopped doing my prayers.. More
this muslim girl who had been committed of embezzlement and she was very young at that age. being 15 and in the childish behaviour she took some money from her employer without informing him. later the employer found out and he told her to pay all that money. which her parents did and all went fine after that. but now after 5 years she still is very.. More
Assalm-o-alikum I am 23 yr old muslim (student) living in UK for past couple of years, I admit that i wasnt a good muslim and commited lots of sins in past but alhamdulillah few months ago Allah SWT guided me suddenly and shown me the right path and gave me the chance to repent for my sins and become good muslim. I've repented honestly, seriously and.. More
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