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60 fatwas

  • Is a woman required to lower her gaze from a man wearing tight jeans, even if she feels no desire?

    Assalaamu Alaikum,I have a question regarding the lowering of the gaze for a woman. Is she required to lower her gaze if a man is wearing tight jeans even if she feels no desire for him? Will she be sinful if she does? If you can answer this question, it will be of great help, thank you and may Allah SWT bless you... More

  • Looks at His Female Teacher With Lust

    Assalamu Alaikum, I'm a guy of age 15, and i study at an islamic school, at this school we get education on islamic subject a few times in a week, and the teacher who teaches that subject in my class is a woman whom i find very attractive, eventhough she wears hijab and proper clothing i still have feelings and romantic fantasies about her, what should.. More

  • Enjoying Looking at Imaginary Women

    After I stop gaze at women for the sake of Allah SWT ,I still remember the sin.So for sometime,I may accidently form an image in my head the exact women that i gaze before and i feel this sense of enjoyment(the same feeling that i have when i gaze an actual women).So,i am enjoying that imaginary women to the extent that i release the madhi from my private.. More

  • No Sin for Noticing a Woman Beside You Provided You Avert Your Gaze and Look Away

    I know that men must lower their gaze if there are women. But is it ok if I dont look at a woman directly but I can still see her in my peripheral vision? So for example if a woman is to my right so I look to my left, but can still see that someone is there in my peripheral vision, but I cannot make out their details, is that ok sheikh?.. More

  • Lowering the Gaze from Women Wearing Niqaab

    Why do men have to lower their gaze from hijabi women who also cover their faces? I mean, aren't they fully covered? What is there left to lower one's gaze from? .. More

  • Phone Sex Is Not Real Zina

    1. If any person did phone sex with any women/girl and during the phone sex they both fantasize having sex together and sounding like having real sex together, they did themselves masturbate during phone sex also so after this sinful action can he marry with her mother or daughter ? 2. These days mobile phones have become very commmon and often boys.. More

  • Meaning of ‘lowering the gaze’

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is meant by "Lower your gaze"? Actually, I try to obey it, but sometimes I become confused with the meaning as I am not an Arab. I know that looking at the forbidden things like the covered or uncovered private parts of others is prohibited, but my confusion is about the faces of girls. I am giving you some of the meaning which.. More

  • Thinking about women without ejaculation

    I apologize for repeatedly asking questions about the same topic, but I think that you may have misinterpreted my last question. In your answer, you said, “Deliberately thinking about women in order to obtain pleasure by ejaculation is not permissible.” However, when I think about women, I do not ejaculate. So my question is: is deliberatelythinking.. More

  • Looking at fully-covered woman without lust

    Is there a consensus among the scholars that it is haram for a man to look at a non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) woman who wears the full hijab (including niqab), even if the look is not accompanied by desire? Or do scholars have different views regarding this issue? [Please do not refer me to questions that have already been asked on this website.] .. More

  • Whoever preserves his chastity will enter Paradise

    In a Hadeeth on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas may Allaah be pleased with him the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ), said:“O youth of the Quraysh! Do not commit adultery. Whoever preserves his chastity will enter Paradise.” [Al-Haakim, Al-Haakim - Saheeh]does this hadith apply to a person who is.. More

  • Strong sexual desire is a blessing if channeled lawfully

    Aslaam-o-Alaikum Is having high sexual drive or urges gift/blessing from ALLAH? I heard from somebody that the ones who have such feelings should be thankful to ALLAH because not everyone has this kind of blessings. Can you please verify that statement? Jazakallahu khyran .. More

  • Male students must lower their gaze from their female teacher

    Asalamu alykum my female teacher is 35-40 yrs old and i am of 19. when i see her while teaching no wrong feelings arises. now can i see her face while teaching? nowadays i don't look her face not a single time during her lecture(i kept my head downward and look in the book constantly this create headache. and also i am unable to understand what she.. More

  • Ruling on looking at improperly dressed women on TV and in magazines

    salam alaykum.pls i need explanation about watching women not properly dressed in magazine and TV screen as i read that sheikh bn uthaymeen and salman alaudah said no harm if no lust is involved. so did Imam Annawawi among shafiiyya.jazakumullah khayran .. More

  • Ruling on looking at the animal's ‘Awrah

    Is it permissible to look at the ‘Awrah of the devils and the Jinn? .. More

  • Explaining the meaning of the “first glance”

    Please explain the main rationale behind the first glance being lawful in terms of looking one’s way and the like. There appeared a kind of deviant interpretation of permitting the first glance and prolonging it to the extent of examining the person and seeing their details. This kind of looking is perceived to be permissible. Another sort of deviant.. More