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What is the Islamic ruling on ejaculation as a result of visual stimuli? Does ejaculation, in this case, have negative health effects?.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum
What are the due boundaries of talking to non-Mahram women in Islam? Is it permissible to speak with them and with female relatives like cousins, given that we talk about lawful things? What are the limits of looking at non-Mahram women? Thank you. .. More
How does the reward for guarding chastity for someone a man who cannot get married and is in his youth compare with the reward for deeds such as reading Quran and doing zikr and walking to Masjid and praying in the Masjid, and praying in the night, and giving charity (is it much greater or lesser)? Guarding chastity is much more difficult than those.. More
When I check my email while working, sometimes pictures of women appear. What is the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) ruling on looking at these pictures?.. More
These days mobile phones have become very commmon and often boys and girls tend to have sex on phone by pretending to be and sounding like having real sex together. Even though physically both are apart, but they fantasize having sex together. I wanted to ask whether this thing as a sin is equal to having real physical zina? Or it is less than a real.. More
Can a brother and sister take bath together and saw each other's body?
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Please tell me which parts of the body of a non-muslim woman is a muslim man allowed to see. Please tell me all the opinions of fiqh schools and please don't conceal the most easy opinion because if you conceal it many of us will find that it is not possible for them to act according to Islam and they will start looking at the sexual parts of non-muslim.. More
I want to know whether it is correct for couples to sleep naked in the night. And how many times in 24 hours can a husband and wife have intercourse is there anything specified in Islam and medical point of view is there any restriction that it effects ones health and he /she feels tired? How to know whether wife got the orgasm after male's ejaculation.. More
What is the ruling of ejaculating resulted from looking, and does it have any health effects?.. More
By profession, some pictures of women may appear on my e-mail, is it permissible to look at them? [What is the Islamic ruling on this?].. More
What is the distance that one should leave when speaking to a marriageable woman face to face? .. More
I am living in a Buddhist country. The way of life is very far from Sharee'ah. It is very difficult to guard our eyes all the time. We have to speak to non-Mahram without any curtain when speaking. What is the Islamic ruling in this regard? If any bad though come to the mind in a later time and if we further think about it is it a great sin. May.. More
We see TV, watch news, so is it permitted to see the face of women and to hear her voice?.. More
If one admits its sins such Zina and asks for the punishment to be given while living in the western countries. What can be done How can you purify yourself while getting education in western countries where you are in enormous pressure to carry sins such as Zina?.. More
I am suffering from a big trouble, I a Muslim and I do believe in God I pray, I went to Umrahtimes I am engaged now, but when I was single and younger I went out with many girls and did mistakes, now I love my fiancée but I have a big desire to follow sluts in the street and talk to them but I run away when I feel that she will go with.. More
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