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It seen in the usual practice of some Islamic groups or gatherings, to start the sitting with saying 'Al Faatihah' or reciting Quran and concluding the session with the following 'Salathu n-Nabi' "sallallaahu alaa Muhammad
" 3 times. Is there any Hadeeth or such teachings regarding the above said practice? Will it.. More
Is it true? Once we see Ka'bah for the first time in life and ask whatever Du'aa. Will it accepted by Almighty Allaah? Is it for the first time in life we see Ka'bah or whenever we see Ka'bah till we alive? .. More
Is okay to make the following 2 Du'aa:
1) O Allaah, it is against your Glory to put those people in Hell-Fire who are the followers of Allaah and Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and call upon your name (Allaah) therefore, please make the Hell-Fire Haraam on us.
2) O Allaah, accept our Du'aa as a Sadaqah of Prophet Muhammad,.. More
Is it permissible to recite the "Du'a Kanjul Arsh"? (La ilah illa Allaahu subhana malikul quddoos) etc. This is very common in India and Pakistan. .. More
Many of our female family members, including my sisters, cousins and others meet on every Monday evening and together we recite Du'a, Surah Ya-Sin, etc. as well prayers for the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. Our main aim is to remember God by reciting Du'a, etc. but at the same time it also helps by bringing most of our family.. More
In most parts of India there is a practice of putting up some wishes and desires with Allaah and invite some near and dear people to their home and recite the Ayah 21:87 for 125000 times collectively and pray for the wish to be fulfilled and end up having dinner or so. Is there any wrong doing in this? .. More
In the mosque, some people before raising their hands for making Du'a, rub both their hands against each other, is this Sunnah? .. More
I heard many Muslims read Surah Al-Faatihah after the Tasbeeh and Du'a' (asking Allaah for their needs) which follows the Salaat (pray). That is they say Allaahumma Ghfir (bless) Lil-Muslimeena wa-Al-Muslimaat, wa Al-mu'mineena wa Al-mu'mineenath, who are dead or alive then they read Surah al-Faatihah. Some times those who visit.. More
Why is it that the Mahdi is called "alayhi as-salaam" even though he is not a prophet? Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmaan and 'Ali are not called "peace be upon them" but Al-Mahdi is said as I hear many times "peace be upon him"?Why is it only the Mahdi? .. More
Can you tell me what is Burdah? People tell me that they attend every Thursday from evening till late. They read Qur’an and sing praises commemorating Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Only Men are allowed to attend though women do go but in secluded corners. They say Kanzus are a must- we all have to wear them on every Thursday. It.. More
When making Ghusl, I know one must make Dua' for whichever Ghusl one is performing, e.g. end of menses or Nifaas. However I have been told that one must fill a bucket with water and make the Dua' and then blow in the bucket of water, after which that water must be used to bathe with, otherwise Ghusl is not completed. This means I cannot make Ghusl in.. More
I heard that if during forty days I perform some special ibaa'dah continuously (for example saying tasbih "subhanallah va bihamdih" one hundred times every morning and evening), it becomes wajib for me, and that I can't quit it after forty days. Is that true?.. More
What do you say about prayer beads?
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We have a very common practice in our society for making Du'a for a special problem or what ever, by reciting a particular verse or Surah or a Du'a at a particular time for some period or number of days, is it a right Sunnah?.. More
A friend of mine told me that it was the practice of Bilal (R.A) to recite Salat and Salaam before Azan (call to prayer). Could you please tell me in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah if this is a Bidah or a Sunnah?.. More
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