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As-salamu alaykum,What is the length of journey one should make travelling dua [ the authentic travelling supplication of Prophet (pbuh) ] jQuery111004503117648578432_1734510891251 If I go to 100m from my house, would that be consider a travel ? should I need to make dua in that case ? Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I have a short and urgent question.Is it permissible to make dua in this way : Ya Allah , You are Beautiful and like beauty , make me beautiful/ grant me beauty.JazakAllah Khair.. More
What prayer can one do to conquer the frequent bad thought about others?.. More
Is it permissible to keep track of your worship as reading Quran and the like, in order to increase it over time. Is not it considered as a bad etiquette towards Allah?
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I live with my sis and bro in law. He always making problems in our house with me. He orders me to clean and do house chores in the house and if i don't do he scolds me . He's trying to control me . I told my sis thats he has no rights on me . But she supports him and say hes right and im lazy and doesn't help her thats y he's scolding me. I don't mix.. More
Is showing off worldly things like showing off wearing nice clothes or showing off your new phone and seeking validation from people is this haram.
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Is there any recommend dua to be read just before iftaar?
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Assalumalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Sheikh. Is there any dua to be recited before Takbiratul Ihram in any kind of salah, like fard, sunnah or nafl? My family members usually recite this dua before takbeer and then say the takbeer:- "I have turned my face in complete devotion to the One Who created the heavens and the earth, and I am not one of.. More
When should I recite dhikr أمسينا وأمسى الملك لله...رب أسألك خير ما في هذه الليلة ...before maghrib or after maghrib?
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Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!It's recorded in the Hadith that whenever the Holy Prophet Muhammad's name is being mentioned, one should send salutations to him.Can the congregation say 'Sallallahu alayhim wa salaam' when Surat Muhammad is being read and the ayat mentioning Muhammad is pronounced by the Imam during the course of praying.. More
Salam alaykum. Is it permissable to ask protection for someone? And if we are, how are we to do this? Is there a specific dua to say? JazakAllah Kheir
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Assalam alaykum,I’ve been having skin issues and unfortunately it’s caused changes in my skin I don’t like and it’s caused me to age horribly. Can I ask Allah to give me back the same exact skin and face I had 5 years ago, and to let me keep the same exact face and skin for the next few years? Is this a transgression? Can I ask Allah to grant.. More
I'm a 15 year old boy and I would like to know the ruling on making dua for height and physical strength (like strong wide limbs and legs) at 15 years old because am very thin and quite short for my age and I really like sports but my body isn't helping at all, am grateful that am not disabled and that am healthy but there are benefits of being tall.. More
I am fat and I eat junkfood and my dad has diabetes, doctors say in many years higher chance I can get diabetes also, alhmadulilah i am happy I don't and will not change my diet or weight and since many like my dad have diabetes and live, and being fat and eating fried food is not haram right? They say online fat people who eat fried food have lower.. More
I don’t know how to speak much arabic, but I want to receive the reward of reciting morning and evening adhkar. Can I listen to a recording of them to receive the rewards if I understand what is being said?
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