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Is wearing dental braces considered an isolating medium that prevents water from reaching the teeth and accordingly invalidates ablution, given that the orthodontist applies an adhesive to install the braces onto the teeth?.. More
Asalam u Alikum. May Allah rewards you for your efforts. I have a question regarding salah. I performed wudu, but forgot to do istinja (washing of the private parts) and performed the friday prayer. Afterwards, I remembered (during the prayer) that I miss the istinja, but I did not stop or repeat the prayer as I read from your website that istinja.. More
dear brothers, regarding fatwa no 126745, I have a similar query. There you have mentioned about dead skin that separates from the living skin must be removed. In winter, I usually see some dry skin coming off my hands and feet and sometimes they can be scraped for removal. I do so thinking that their presence may invalidate my wudu/ghusl. What is.. More
Asslam alaikum sir my question is that I am working in Saudi Arabia, in my company we dont have facility to make ablution we are making it while standing in wash basen, i had seen that many person are wearing shoes while cleaning the feet they are removing one shoe and cleaning the feet with the water, wiping it with tissue paper and then they are.. More
I am bold and I have been wearing a wig made of human hair that is secured to a very thin pourus net. the net is cut to fit the bolding spot and is attached to the scalp (not to the exsiting hair) with a double stick tape. Is it allowable to wipe over it during wudoo or it has to be removed which would be difficult and embarrasing if doing wudoo in.. More
dear brothers, my question is connected to Fatwa No. 126745. There you have mentioned that the black skin does not fall under the category of the dead skin. So does this mean that having such a black skin and making ablution or ghusl is valid? I am raising this question because lately I have found another black skin on my right foot which was very small.. More
dear brother/s,
recently I have had a cut on my right foot near my toes and overtime that has become black and kind of a thick black skin has formed there, perhaps you understand what i mean. Although the black skin is very small, when I make ablution would it be valid? If not then what about my prayers I have made with those ablution? Please advise... More
As Salam alaykum,
The question is if I begin my Wuduu with the washing of my hands thrice, must the remaining washings be done thrice as well or they can be different in number of performance?.. More
assalam wa alykum
Is it permissible for a Muslim, after relieving himself in the bathroom to say “Bismillaah” inside the bathroom and then do wudoo’, or should he go out, say “Bismillaah” then go back in and do wudoo’ (because there is no wudoo’ for the one who does not mention the name of Allaah)?.. More
assalamu aleikom,
when i make Wudu, should the water get to the skin that's around the nail, or the nail itself?
jazakom allah khayran.. More
Can wudu be made with snow? If so, how?.. More
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem I have two issues to be commented upon. 1) I am 21 yrs old and i have hairloss problem.To lose hair at this age is quite painful as it wud interfere with my social life.So i am thinking to go into hair replacement where they place human hair on your scalp using artificial skin.Is this acceptable and Would i be able to pray.. More
i have one litre water. can i use this water for wudhu befor shalah. how much water minimize we use for wudhu
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i am working in saudi arabia.the company provides me my room bathroom and toilet are attached.when i make wadoo or take bath,can i read dua after wadoo inside bathroom,because it is attached with toilet,or i have to wait until i come out of my bathroom... More
Salaam, I have 3 question in regards to Wudu. 1] What is the exact method of Doing Wudu when it comes to the part where you have done the arms and are about to move to the Hair? 2] When you do Ghusl, I understand the water has to reach and touch every single root of the hair as well as the body. does this same procedure or concept apply to Wudu?.. More
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