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Assalaamu alaykum. If a cat is given haram food to eat (like cat food with pork or other haram meat in it), does the cat itself become impure? Does anything that it touches or licks after that become impure? Also, if a human was to eat haram or impure food, would that person himself become impure? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Thank you for all that you do on this site! Please, I ask that you answer this question and do not give links. I use liquid fabric softener and fabric softener sheets while doing the laundry. I read that they contain pig and beef fat, does this mean that it is haram? Or does it change in such a way that it becomes halal? If it is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have been Muslim for about ten months now, and I will soon be taking part in a ladies sales event in a local mosque environment with another sister. I graduated from university last year with a degree in Jewellery, and I want to enquire about the use of wool and recycled plant fibres to create jewellery and prayer beads. The type.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. 1. When does a newborn's first bath need to be after birth? The hospital I am going to believes that the 'slimy stuff' (I think its called vernix caseosa) is medically good for the baby and the baby's skin. Because of this, the hospital only wipes the baby after birth and will only bathe the baby after 2 days. 2. Do I need to request.. More
I have a cat at home and sometimes its hair falls into food or drink. Is it lawful to eat or drink from such food or drink, given that the hair may sink and it is difficult to see it or take it out? Is it unlawful to eat the hair of the cat?
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Assalam alaykom shaykh, I hope your in the best of health... I'll try to keep this as simple and to the point as possible... I converted to Islam and still live with my family who is not practising Islam.. In this house we have a dog, my mother has a boyfriend and there is music playing everywhere.. Not to mention alcohol is drunk often.. Though this.. More
Assalamu alaikum. Is a dead lizard(the small ones found in the houses), ant, mosquito and other insects najis? Is the dung/feces of one of these animals najis?If the dung/feces of a lizard is najis and it fell on a rice(about to be cooked) with water(less than or about half a liter) then how can I clean it?or do I have to throw away the rice? I have.. More
My friend has a tooth missing and needs dental work on it but needs some grafting which means they have to use cow bone to build the bone. Can you use this in islam or not?
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I am a student studying in Uk. I suffer from OCD but my condition has intensified and my suffering increased ever since I arrived here because I suspect the cleanness (tahara) of the saliva of non-Muslims. The problem is that when I buy anything, the cashier wets his/her finger with their saliva to open the plastic bag, which makes me suspect the cleanness.. More
Salaam, I asked a question a while ago to which I got suggested a number of fatwas. Unfortunately, I had read them all before but for some reason it is not helping. I am in a lot grief and I feel a lot of grief for my carelessness. Would enough saliva from a sock that has been in a dogs mouth pass impurity to.. More
Assalamu `Alaykum respected scholars I have one question and i kindly request you to shed light on in detail. may allah bless you all Q1) i believe according to one school of thought/Manhaj (Ahl al-Hadeeth/Salafiyyah) proven that all or every body part of the halaal animals (like cattle) is halaal and those who declare certain parts to be haraam for.. More
Reference to your fatwa no. 27787 regading washing of eggs exterio. According to fatwa if eggs are not washed their is no harm. We receive eggs from bakery and eggs had spots of bloods or some other spots on it.Does it means that the spots are not najis. We in our home wash the eggs before use but sometimes spots do not go in regular washing.What should.. More
Is it permissible to use soap containing chemically treated swine fat? .. More
Is the cockroach impure? I mean both types: the wood cockroach as well as the other type which lives in sewage outlets. Are the surfaces which they come in contact with, like mats, utensils and furniture, rendered impure? This insect spreads during certain seasons in a disturbing manner and it is difficult to clean everything which it contacts. Are.. More
According to the preponderant opinion, which is the sound opinion too, human vomit is pure. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the vomit of the eatable and uneatable animals? What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the vomit of the dog and the swine? .. More
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