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Aslaamu alaikum. My question is regarding the purity of clothes from the liquid feces( diarrhoea) . I was ill and suffering from fever and had diarrhoea.its winter here so as such I was wearing three lowers. I felt some liquid feces drop came out of my body so as such I went to washroom after few minutes to check it. I found a drop of it on the first.. More
assalamu alaykum sheikh i have a problem and its very urgent, please guide me .i have read in hadith that the prophet saw permitted vessels in which haram things like alchohol were drinked to be used only after washing . i live with my family and my mother is the cook and the dish washing liquid we use haram ingriedients like pig fat , alchohol , etc.. More
As Salamu Alaykum.I stepped on a dog urine and just rubbed my shoes on the sand with intension to wash them later. Then I forgot and walked around the house in them. Now I think that house got impure and all my salahs are invalid. Can you give me an advice?
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Assalamu alaykum.My question is based on the following(please answer me according to the shafi'i madhab):1.How does a person purifies himself from major impurity with a bandage which he cannot remove if it is on the limb of tayammum?b.What if it outside the the limb of tayammum?2.How does a person do wudu in this state if it is either on the limb of.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,I take off my clothes which have impurity after entering the bathroom during the obligatory bath. Then, after washing the impurity of my body, I wash my mouth and nose and take a bath naked. I wash those impure clothes after bathing. If impure water splashes on me while washing these clothes, do I have to take a shower again? Or it.. More
Dog lick my slipper. I throw it away...lots of rain fall it..after some day a wet bucket fall on that dry slipper..if this bucket impure..pls help..I am suffering from vasvaas
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Are frog faeces considered najis?
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My family memebers love dogs and I have seen dogs lick their hands and clothes.But no matter what, they never purify themselves in the correct manner after that and touch everywhere in the house with wet hands. Because this is hard for me to avoid, I follow the ruling that impurities does not transfer. Is this correct to do?because I have heard that.. More
I struggle with OCD and had some questions about newborn and purity
1 - If the baby vomits then do we have to wash the baby's face and rinse mouth? If we don't do this and only wipe the face clean with cloth, then will the baby spread najasa anytime the face is wet or the baby spits?
2 - Right before childbirth, if the mother had impurity.. More
When defecating if najis water splashed onto me such as on my thigh or buttocks or arm , I would firstly wash my private parts ( I wouldn’t wash the area where the impure splashes landed ) and then I would go to sink , wet my hands and thouroghly rub them on the areas where the splashes came . I did this 2-3 times . Do I become pure by this? Also.. More
What one will do to remove any najis thing that enters into ones mouth and nose
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Is it impossible to purify wood that absorbed impure liquid?, i mean bare wood that dont have any coating.
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Salam aleikum.
After my istinja , from my sexual organ, drops come out. Is it urine?Must i repeat my istinja? I redo only wudu, but I do not wash my organ and my garments. Are my prayers valid? Or is it only water from istinja, the drops wich comes out?
I have another question, I know the hanabila see wujub saying dua between sajdatain. Is it obligatory.. More
What is the ruling if a wet dog touches your clothes, or if he touches an area and then you touch it while it is wet. Do you have to wash the clothes?
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Assalamualaikum we have automatic washig machine the water pours down on the clothes but the detergent is put on the clothes first then the water pours down on these clothes some clothes are above the level of water flow in the starting later all the clothes are below the water flow in such a case if the cloth above the water flow is impure in 1st round.. More
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