There is a Muslim man who lives in a western country like the USA. He undergoes bad financial conditions. Furthermore, he pays the expenditure and financial maintenance of his family in his homeland. He found that he could change his conditions through declaring his conversion to Christianity and going to the church in order to have the nationality.. More
Is there a contradiction between the fact that only Allaah Knows what people are thinking and the raised claims by some people that there are things that can read thoughts such as certain plants by means of which they know what people are thinking?.. More
Will the husband be held sinful if he does not forbid his wife from slaughtering sacrifices to other than Allaah? Will he, in such a case, be a polytheist like her?.. More
We read in some books that a writer claims that there are some verses and Surahs dropped from the Quran, is that true? Is it true that Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them, contradicted the Sharee‘ah in their rulings? May Allaah Reward you... More
Men in Paradise will have the Hoor, but what will women have? Will a woman desire the man whom she loved in the worldly life and did not marry and will she marry him in Paradise? Will forbidden matters in the worldly life be permissible in Paradise? Will it be possible for any man to have sexual intercourse with any woman he loved in the worldly life?.. More
Are angels fallible or infallible? Will they be punished if they make a mistake? Do the angels to the right and left remain with everyone permanently during his lifetime or do they change every specific time?
What is the best book in which I can find further information about angels? May Allaah Reward you... More
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means) in the Surah of Al-Waaqi‘ah: {And the meat of fowl, from whatever they desire.}
Why Did Allaah specifically Mention fowl in this verse? .. More
The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that Allaah Is more Merciful than a mother is to her child. However, there is a verse in the Noble Quran that says (what means): {Indeed, Allaah Does not Forgive association with Him, but He Forgives what is less than that for whom He Wills.} No mother can torture her child forever. First.. More
I have a very close friend who is quite religious. He performs prayers regularly, performs different acts of worship and does good deeds. He always speaks about the description of the blessings of Paradise such as the Hoor and the boys of everlasting youth. The problem is that he has a misunderstanding about the verse {There will circulate among them.. More
My question is somewhat strange, but it has confused me greatly. I would like to ask the scholars about it. The question simply is: why did Allaah create us? The answer is mentioned in the verse: {And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me}. However, Allaah always does whatever He Wills; when He wants a thing to happen, He only says.. More