will people of paradise get answers to all ques. which, at present, are beyond human comprehension e.g. 'mystery of creation of universe', 'how souls / creatures are created' & so on..... More
Assalaamu alaikum, Is it true that Allah will give us signs 100 days before we die? One of them is, one part of the body will shake? And it is said, if the person is a good believer, he will take note. But if he is fasiq/not good muslim/etc.. he will not notice or feel anything different. I've never heard of this before and that is why I wish to know... More
Salam 3alaykom, Why did ALLAH (sub7anahu wa ta3ala) call youm al iqyamah with many different names (is it depending on the addressed party or time frame) please clarify? For example: youm al tagaboun, youm al 7ashr etc... Can you kindly list them (the names) for us with a brief meaning for each? I am sure many of the brothers and sisters will benefit.. More
Will all Muslims enter Paradise? Will Muslims who commit major sins enter Paradise after remaining for some time in Hell, especially Muslim women who do not wear Hijaab? Will they eventually enter Paradise?.. More
Before Islam reached Iraq, the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, talked about a blockade on Iraq. He also said that the River Euphrates will dry up, leaving a mountain of gold. I want to know the relevant Hadeeths... More
What is the correct and incorrect explanation of the Two Testimonies of Faith: "Ash-hadu An laa Ilaaha Ila Allaah wa Anna Muhammadan Rasool Allaah" "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Messenger"?.. More