What is the correct and incorrect explanation of the Two Testimonies of Faith: "Ash-hadu An laa Ilaaha Ila Allaah wa Anna Muhammadan Rasool Allaah" "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Messenger"?.. More
As humans, do we choose guidance or it is Allaah The Almighty who chooses it for certain people, noting that when a child is born, Allaah The Almighty knows in advance whether he will be pious or not? Do we repent by our choice, or when Allaah The Almighty wills?.. More
A person committed some acts that amount to apostasy, but he did not know what he was doing. He now thinks he has a sound ‘Aqeedah (creed). However, he previously lived in a Sufi community. He no longer seeks the help of the dead, but he sometimes feels that he suffers from some major defects in his ‘Aqeedah. Please advise... More
What is Nifaaq (hypocrisy)? What are the attributes of Munaafiqs (hypocrites) that are mentioned in the Chapters Al-Baqarah and Al-Munaafiqoon as well as in Hadeeths? What is the level of Munaafiqs in Hell, as mentioned in the Chapter An-Nisaa’?.. More
My wife and I see disturbing dreams and strange things. Previously we received Quranic therapy for impotence, but after being granted recovery by Allaah The Almighty, we have a feeling that the effect of this spell is the cause of our strange dreams. A Shaykh told us that it is envy. What is your advice?.. More
My daughter suffers from Mass (possession by the Devil) and she does strange things. Is it permissible to go to someone who treats Mass with the Quran?.. More
A woman who does not wear the Hijaab (Islamic covering) alleges that Al-Khidhr, may Allaah exalt his mention, comes to her and informs her about everything. She alleges that she has become a Waliyy. Can she be possessed by the devil?
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A person who commits religious innovations in our area raised the following doubts regarding the issue of the creation of the Quran:
It is known that the Universe contains either a Creator or a creation, so under what category should we classify the Quran.
How can I answer him?.. More
What is the ruling on those who do not believe in matters of the creed, such as the torment in the grave, and reject them alleging that such issues are based on Aahaad Hadeeths (Hadeeths whose chains of transmission consist of few narrators i.e., not more than two narrators in each stage of the chain), and claiming that such type of Hadeeths do not.. More