I have several questions. When the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, will intercede on behalf of the dwellers of Hell, this will occur in periods according to each person’s faith. How long will this period be? How long will the dwellers of Hell remain in it? What is the duration of the longest period spent in Hell? How will their.. More
I have learned much about the bliss in Paradise which no eyes have ever seen, no ears have ever heard of and no heart has ever conceived, but I know that the greater pleasure is seeing the Face of Allaah The Almighty.
My question is: Should we not overlook our lusts in Paradise and that it should only be for seeing Allaah The Almighty, not.. More
In my country, we have gotten used to seeking the blessings of black cumin and use it to ward off envy as well as the effect of the evil eye by putting it over the clothes of the newborn or the bridegroom or in the pockets of those who are doing exams. What is the Sharee’ah ruling on this? Is this considered an act of Shirk (polytheism)?.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum,
How will good and bad deeds be weighed on the Day of Resurrection? If one committed grave major sins without being penalized with the prescribed corporal punishment and then repented, will these sins be weighed with his bad deeds? Will Allaah The Almighty forgive him by virtue of his repentance? How will the good and bad deeds.. More
Narrating the stories of the prophets, Hoode (Hud), Saalih (Salih) and Nooh (Noah), may Allaah exalt their mention, in Soorat Al-A‘raaf, Allaah The Almighty says that they commanded their people to worship Allaah alone. However, in the case of Prophet Loot (Lot), may Allaah exalt his mention, Allaah The Almighty does not mention that he commanded.. More
What are the categories of seeking assistance from Allaah The Almighty and from people? When is it permissible and when is it not? Kindly give examples and mention the evidences for and the ruling on every category. .. More
Do I bear a sin for saying that I am bewitched and that so and so has bewitched me? It should be taken into consideration that all the symptoms of bewitchment are clear... More
I found a magic spell that someone had made for me (i.e., to afflict me). My son took it and I do not know where he threw it. What should I do in order to fortify myself? I do not know the person who did it or where my son threw it... More
There is a book titled Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjjaal wa’l Harb Al-Qaadimah, written by Muhammad ‘Eesa Daawood. He states in it that the Antichrist will emerge from the Bermuda Triangle. What is your opinion about this?.. More
If a man suffers from a calamity and does not show patience by objecting to and expressing discontent with this Decree within himself and wanting to change it at any cost, but he cannot, will this cause the anger of Allaah The Almighty? Does Allaah The Almighty reward one for his suffering whether or not he shows patience?.. More