If a dead person is asked about their Lord, religion and the Messenger that was sent to him in the grave, how were the dead questioned before Islam? .. More
I watched a Shaykh on television who was speaking about Funoon (the arts). This Shaykh belongs to a group that adopts religious innovations. He described Allaah The Almighty as the first Fannaan (artist). According to my understanding, the Arabic word Fannaan also means zebra. Is it then permissible to describe Allaah The Almighty as the first Fannaan?.. More
What does the Sharee’ah (Islamic law) say about a Muslim who commits suicide, knowing that he was born in America and knew nothing about his religion, including the ruling and punishment for committing suicide. .. More
I have a twenty-five year old daughter and many suitors have proposed to her but I refused all of them, then no further suitors proposed. One of my friends told me that someone has cast a spell on my daughter and the only way to break it is to write down a Quranic verse on a piece of cloth, using a certain type of ink, and then to put this piece of.. More
Allaah The Almighty has bestowed many blessings on me, blessings that only a few people have been granted. Does this mean that I shall receive a heavier punishment if I disobey Him? Why are we asked to believe in issues that are related to the Unseen, like the torment of the grave, despite the fact that they are imperceptible?.. More
I am a girl who suffers from severe pain in my right leg when I hear the Quran. Is it permissible for me to go to a man who treats with the Quran? .. More
Sometime, doubts haunt me so that I question the existence of the Creator and the truthfulness of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Is it permissible for me to marry a Muslim man? .. More
What is the ruling on a person who mocks some aspect of the religion, such as mocking the command to lead an ascetic life and curbing oneself from the luxuries of life, that is stated in some Hadeeths? .. More
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {Whoever Allaah sends astray— there is no guide for him.} He also Says (what means): {And whoever Allah guides— for him there is no misleader.}
Therefore, even if we observe the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) we will not be guided unless Allaah The Almighty wants this, therefore why are we held accountable for.. More
Why did Allaah The Almighty create evil? Why did He create the devil? Are there clear answers to these questions in the Quran and the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition)?.. More