When I raise my hands to supplicate Allaah The Almighty, I feel as if there are two huge hands beneath them to the extent that I lose sensation in my hands or I feel as if I can hardly see them. Furthermore, I feel that my lips and body contract. This feeling is more intense when I supplicate after performing the obligatory prayer or the voluntary.. More
My father-in-law apostatized from Islam; he gave up prayer and fasting and he even raised doubts about the verses of the Quran. I am not sure how I should treat him. Should I be dutiful to him and treat him kindly? Am I permitted to eat from his food or to feed him from mine? Is my wife permitted to inherit from him if he dies before her?.. More
Is it permissible to speak to the Jinn who possesses a person and order him to raise the hand of the possessed? Is Ruqyah permissible for a mute person? Is it permissible to strike the Jinn if he refuses to let go of the possessed person? Is it permissible for a woman to have Ruqyah performed for her by a non-Mahram (i.e., marriageable) man?.. More
assalamualaikum,what happens to the bodies of the children in the grave,will they be taken along in the paradise or only the souls?pleae anwer this question asap.38.. More
We have a brass bowl scripted with Syreh Yaseen in it. Is is good to drink water from it. or keeping water in night and drink in morning with a thinking that it is fruitfull. Please advice ASAP. ALLAH HAFIZ .. More
On my right hand index finger, which is the finger used in salah when nearing to the end of the salah, the name Allah written in Arabic is shown clearly visible on this finger. What does it mean when a person has this?.. More
In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful.
A year ago, I married a foreign woman who has newly reverted to Islam and, consequently, adhered to the Islamic dress code. However, after a while, she told me that Islam has many mistakes. For example, she believes that passing wind does not nullify Wudhoo' (ablution), that it is not due.. More
My cousin was raised in France, and her mother is a Christian. Hence, she was not brought up according to the sound Islamic manners. My uncle then divorced that woman and accompanied his daughter to his homeland. Some years thereafter, her mother came to visit her. During the visit, she planted hatred of Islam and love for Christianity in her daughter’s.. More
1. What is the Greatest name of Allaah?
2. What is the reward for carrying a coffin at a funeral?
3. If a person supplicates to Allaah when seeing the Ka‘bah to teach him His Greatest Name, will Allaah answer his supplication?.. More
Is it permissible for a girl who has had many suitors but was never engaged to go to soothsayers to determine if she is bewitched, or should she just wait for as long as Allaah wills?.. More