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Who is the father of the Jews?.. More
What are the similarities and differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism?.. More
Do I have to draw the Jewish star as a Muslim girl?.. More
What is the Jehovah’s Witnesses group? Is it permissible to deal with them?.. More
What is the meaning of evangelism? What are its goals? What is the Islamic stance regarding it?.. More
In the country where I study there are some colleagues of Kurdish origins who follow Yezidism. According to my knowledge, it is a sect which believes in Allaah The Almighty. However, they glorify the cursed Iblees and consider him the peacock of angels until now. They do not perform any religious obligation which is known in our Islamic religion... More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the acts done by contemporary Sufis such as twirling, swaying the head as if the wind is blowing against a tree? Some of them insert needles or iron threads in their bodies. Is this a sort of magic?.. More
It is well-known that Prophet Daawood (David), may Allaah exalt his mention, was sent with a heavenly revealed Book that was after the demise of Prophet Moosa (Moses), may Allaah exalt his mention, and later ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention, was also sent to them with a divine Book. So, why do the Jews adhere to the Book of Moosa even.. More
Why are the Jews more sincere in their religion than the Muslims?.. More
Christians say that ‘Eesa (Jesus) is the son of Allaah and the Jews say that ‘Uzayr (Ezra) is the son of Allaah. Why do the Jews say that ‘Uzayr is the son of Allaah?.. More
I want to ask about the Hashshaasheen during the Fatimid Era... More
Who are the Sabbatarians who live in our country (Jordan)? Their holidays and feasts are on Saturday... More
There is a channel on Paltalk that includes some Christians. I was surprised that they blaspheme the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and I could not do anything because they are many people in the face of one or two Muslims... More
Who are the Mu‘tazilah?.. More
What is the meant by Taqammus which is repeated by the Druze people? What is the evidence that it is not mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah?.. More
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