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978 fatwas

  • Qur'an's position regarding Christians and Jews

    What are the Ayah in Qur'an which mentioned the Christians and Jews and explain the Islam's position towards both religions?.. More

  • Catholics Want to Tell Muslim Students about Jesus

    I am a teacher in an Islamic school in the USA. I was invited to talk about Islam in a Catholic school and I did. Now the Catholic school is asking me if they can come and talk about Jesus and their religion to my class whose ages are between (11-16) years old. I am not sure if that would be right to do and Halal. Please let me know as soon as possible. .. More

  • Avoiding hypocrisy in Da'wah

    How can one be assured that the Da'wah she is making does not contain any "Riyaa" its a disturbing thing and sometimes I get a feeling of hesitant to do the Da'wah even though with Allah's Grace, the ladies are very happy and anxious to get more teachings from me... More

  • Responding to Christian Claims about Jesus

    I am a new Muslim and what I wanted to ask is what do you say when Christians tell me that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ? Sometimes I just stay quiet because I don't know how to respond; at other times I say that we only believe Jesus to be a Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Any suggestions that I could use? .. More

  • How to Stop a Muslim from Watching Movies of Bad Influence

    If an ignorant Muslim brother is watching Hindu or English movies that have music women not dress properly, much Kufr and many things against Islam, how should I stop it? Do I have to use my hand, fist or tongue or heart? If it is hand, how can I use my hand to stop it? Can I break the tapes or video player or T.V secretly so he wouldn't know it's done.. More

  • Muhammad in the Bible

    Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?.. More

  • The Mahdi and the Mahdiyya

    Please inform us about the following things:1) What is Mehdi 's (Jamat-e-Mehdiviya) Aqida?2) What should be a Muslim's Aqida about Mehdi ?3) When will Mehdi come? Or has he come and gone?.. More

  • Christian beliefs vs Qur'an, etc.

    Christians believe in crucifixion of Jesus (Alaihi As-Salaam). We Muslims believe that Allah took him from this world. Could you please let me know where exactly in Qur'an it is mentioned about disappearance of Jesus (Alaihi As-Salaam) and his reappearance... More

  • Wants to learn Qur'an and prayers

    I just became Muslim and I have a fiance in Jordan and because we are so many miles apart, he always wants to break up! I am faithful. I praise Allah, but do not know the prayers yet as I do not have the Qur'an. It's impossible to get one where I live as there are no Muslims here! I have never met Nasr personally but have seen him only on the Net through.. More

  • Islam, Christianity and Judaism

    What are the similarities and the differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism? .. More

  • Ibn Arabi, the Sufi

    I have read three of Ibn Arabi 's books and I found them very interesting. I would like to know what is your opinion about Ibn Arabi 's mysticism... More

  • Implementing Islam in its entirety

    Is it Fard to have Islam implemented in its entirety? How is this achieved and what should we as Muslims do about it?.. More

  • Calling Muslim Girl to Sharee’ah

    My question is as follow. If a Muslim man who is following the Islamic Sharia is attracted by a girl of Muslim background (I mean she is not following the Sharia, but she believes in Allah and Islam, but she is clothing herself as non-Muslims, Mutabarijjah) His love should be in the first place for Allah (SWT) and Rasuel Allah Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi.. More

  • Attending Nakshbandi lectures on your site

    I read the article about the Nakshbandiah. I am a university student and the only Islamic lecture that is being held near my university is the Nakshbandi one. I have attended a few of them and I have realized that what you have mentioned in your article is right. However, my question is it better for me not to attend their lectures and instead study.. More

  • Answering Some Questions Asked by Christians

    I live in a country where the majority, in fact all of them are Christian. I am married to Christian lady and she is almost ready to convert to be Muslim. But there are some points I am not able to answer her based on religious and logical approaches:- What do we answer the Christian when they claim that Jesus is the son of God, that God sacrifice his.. More