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978 fatwas

  • Prophethood of Muhammad

    Was Muhammad the Prophet sent for all people or just for Arabs? .. More

  • Slavery and Islam

    I am doing research on slavery in Islam. Is there slavery in Islam? What is the Fatwa for owning a slave nowadays? .. More

  • Slavery and Islam

    Why did Islam not ban slavery? During the days of the holy Prophet, Muslims used to force the prisoners of war into slavery. They even dealt the female captives among themselves as war-booty. The Qur'an even gave permission to Muslim men (the owner of the captives)to have sex with them (See Surah An-Nisa). Why is this? Is such practice still valid? .. More

  • Prefers Male Companionship and Wants to Become Muslim

    Thanks a lot for your reply to my question, may God reward you for your good work. But you said to me that one of the ways out of what I am in is marriage. In my question I recall telling you that the female body makes me feel disgusted. So I really can't touch a woman plus that would be unfair for her too because there won't be any kind of physical.. More

  • Non-Muslim Man Loves Muslim Girl

    I am non-Muslim and in love with a Muslim girl who is my relative. Tell me what in Islam I must look into and give priority. .. More

  • Are the Ahmadiya Muslims?

    Are the Ahmadiya believers, i.e. seen by Islamic rules as Muslims or non-Muslims? They believe that Muhammad is not the last prophet. They also believe that Jesus will not return before judgement day because raised means to them raised body and soul, i.e. a natural death. They claim a man named Ahmad Mirza is both the Messiah and Imam Mahdi. How can.. More

  • Misconception of Islam

    The Christian God forgives His followers because of the sacrifice of the son. Why is it said of yours that he will not forgive even if you ask 70 times?.. More

  • Sufi Groups and Their Hierarchy

    I have questions about the Sufis, their groups and the hierarchy within their groups.1) Are these Sufi groups included in Islam - Dessoekya, Badawya, Rifaya, and Shadhelya?2) Is Sheikh Abdul Qadr the supreme authority (Qutub)?3) How many Sufis have this high rank - one or up to four?4) If there are four, who is the leader? .. More

  • Giving Farewell Gift To Alcohol Drinker

    We were helping one low-paid office boy in our office every month with some money. But suddenly we discovered occasionally he drinks alcohol. So we decided we have to stop helping as per Hadith/order of Allah. At present we found that he has to leave the company as their contract expired. Is it permissible to give him money as farewell as per Hadith/.. More

  • Criticism of polygyny

    I have read your defense of having multiple wives. You say it is good because some women would not have husbands otherwise. If there were more men than women would you say the women should have multiple husbands? I think not. Many of your quotes only point to the base desires of the human flesh. Where is the purity God desires for us? In the beginning.. More

  • Source of Sufism

    I am from Ahlu al-Sunnah wal Jamaah, al-Hamdulillah, wa li'llaahi al-hamd. As I have been taught and educated (about Islam) that in my belief there is no Sufism in true Islam. I have read that Sufism was brought and introduced to Muslim Countries by some deviating Muslims who were highly influenced and affected by Indian mysticism. Sufi terminology.. More

  • Da'wah with servant

    My servant is Christian and I want to help her to enter Islam? When I talk with her about Islam, she asks me give her something to make her trust me... More

  • Bahai Faith

    1-What is bahai faith? Are they Muslims?2-I am a Muslim. Can I marry a woman of bahai faith? .. More

  • Required rituals after declaring Shahadah

    Is a person a Kafir if he doesn't offer a two Rakah prayer after having a bath although he believes in all articles of faith Islam when he became Muslim? If a person becomes Muslim but didn't know he needs to offer a bath (Ghusl) and a two Rakah prayer and its been a very long time, does all the good deeds he has done be rejected by Allah because when.. More

  • Duties of college Islam Society Emir

    I have recently been elected as Emir of our college Islamic Society. I have heard a lot of different opinions to what the role Emir is and I'm not totally sure of what my role includes. So I was hoping (Insha Allah) that someone can give me an accurate answer to what my duties are? Please use Qur'an and Sunnah, if possible... More