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978 fatwas

  • Ruling on past wealth and pictures of actress who embraced Islam

    If a non-Muslim actress converts to Islam, is the money that she earned as an actress halal? And is it haram if people look at old pictures of her before she wore a hijab? .. More

  • Revert not obliged to change name

    I have been told by several sources that both Todd (first name) and Christopher (middle) are not permissible or at best inadvisable? Todd means fox, clever, or wily, and Christopher means Christ-bearer. Are these good, or must I change my name? .. More

  • Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham) was Muslim

    {Indeed, the most worthy of Ibrahim among the people are those who followed him (in submission to Allaah) and this prophet, and those who believe (in his message). And Allaah is the ally of the believers.} [Quran 3:65-68] Is this verse telling us that we are more entitled to claim Ibrahim as our prophet than the followers of Jesus and Moses? Please.. More

  • ‘Do's and Don'ts’ of enjoining good and forbidding evil

    Assalaamu alaykum. What are the ‘do's and dont's’ of enjoining good and forbidding evil? I heard that it is necessary to use ‘we’ while correcting someone and not ‘you’. Is there any proof for that? And should a man always enjoin good and forbid evil? And what is the meaning of the last verse of SuraH Al-‘Asr (what means):{…and advised.. More

  • Describing 'Eesa as Word of Allah and Spirit of Allah in Quran

    We know that the Quran contains no contradictions, but I want to know what the Quran means when it says these three things about Prophet 'Eesa (Jesus), peace be upon him: He is: the word of God, the spirit of God, created from dust. .. More

  • Reacting to YouTube channel that attacks Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I know that you are very busy with many important things and therefore may not have time for this. However, I hope that you could listen to this problem, which needs to be reacted to as fast as possible. There is a man called Ismaa´eel Abu Adam who has a YouTube channel. He had been a Muslim for 16 years now. Suddenly,.. More

  • Chatting with non-practicing Muslim not act of Kufr

    I am a Muslim girl and I have the following question: does sitting and chatting with a disbelieving woman equal disbelief? I know that we are forbidden from making friends with the disbelievers, but what about chatting with them about school or telling funny stories about our pets? You see, before I started practicing Islam and before I learned how.. More

  • Kindness to people as form of Da'wah

    What is the evidence for the claim that performing good and kind deeds is a form of Da'wah (proselytization)in Islam? .. More

  • Helping Christian find lost cross pendant

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to know whether what I did was right or wrong? My friend lost his cross pendant in a restaurant and I somehow found the cross and gave it back to him. I want to know whether Allah will reward or punish me because the cross is something religious to my friend and I helped him find it. Does it mean that I helped him in his religion.. More

  • Origin of Star of David

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please tell me what is Magen David and why it is called the Star of David? And why was it taken as the symbol of the flag of Israel? .. More

  • Extent of judging people based on their actions

    Assalaamu alaykum. To what extent can you judge another person? For example, if someone were to commit murder, we would be quick to condemn such a person. But if someone were to leave their prayer, then we would be told to look at and correct our own faults before judging a person for that. Should we only judge someone's culpability if it involves hurting.. More

  • Mistakes in pronouncing Shahaadah when converting to Islam

    Assalaam alaykum. If someone says the Shahadah (testimony of faith) and does not say the it in the correct way in Arabic and English; does it count as converting to Islam if you do not learn to say it in correct way? For example, when Muslims pray or read Quran in Arabic, they need to repeat it if it contained mistakes. Thank you for your time. https://en.wik.. More

  • Difference between praised and dispraised debating

    Dear Shaykh, Assalaamu alaykum. Someone posted a controversial issue about religion on his website. My friend asked for a clarification about the article, but he refused to respond to it, quoting the following hadiths: “The most despicable men in the eye of Allaah are those who like to fall into debate.” (Muslim) “I guarantee a house in Paradise.. More

  • How to attract worshipers to new mosque

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Respectful scholar, I want to ask you regarding a matter related to the masjid in detail. I live in an area that is filled with people who do not know the religion, and if they do know it, then it is not in the correct way. In my locality, there are around 13 to15 masjids, and only 2 belong to Ahl Hadith... More

  • Giving parents advice regarding what they watch on gaming console

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. My father and stepmother had an old gaming console that I had given them. They used it for video entertainment and so on, with a lot of their entertainent being haram (music, unislamic shows, videos with unislamic content, and so on). I was ignorant back then and not pious. I did not have a clue that.. More