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978 fatwas

  • Ruling on followers of Shakeel ibn Haneef

    This is in regards to Shakeel bin haneef, who claims to be Imam Mahdi and Jesus, peace be with him. His followers preach and try to convince others to believe in Shakeel. 1. Are the Shakeeliyans out of the fold of Islam? 2. Can we let them offer the prayer in our masjid? 3. Is marriage allowed with them? If someone is already married and their.. More

  • Refuting the Murji'ah regarding the components of faith

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am confused about Eemaan (faith). I heard that it is made up of the statement of the heart, action of the heart, statement of the tounge, and action of the limbs. However, I hear people (students of knowledge) saying that if you lose everything apart from the statement of the heart, you are still a Muslim, just a bad one. I am confused.. More

  • Explaining the existence of different scholarly opinions to non-Muslims

    Assalaamu alaykum. When we are inviting disbelievers to Islam, how can we explain why there are differences of opinion in Tafsir (exegesis), Fiqh (jurisprudence), and so on, and what is the wisdom behind the fact that Allah has decreed differences in the religion? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Being one of the directors of a school that violates Islamic Law

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live in India and have a halal business with my elder brotherthat is doing well financially. My brother recently started a school for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, from nursery to 12th grade with a branded schools affiliation; his intention is to do charitable work for Muslims with the extra money from the school. The school has.. More

  • Etiquette of correcting speaker's mistake in religious knowledge

    Regarding correcting others in an Islamic discussion, sometimes, when one is in conversation, one hears a lot other speakers (parents, friends, etc.) saying things like, “This is allowed,” or, “This is disallowed in Islam,” and so on. What is the ruling for the ordinary listener in this case? Should he speak out if he hears something that is.. More

  • His manager steals money from work

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question. I work for a place where the budget is allocated by the government (public money). I am in charge of organising courses, filling in forms, plane tickets, hotels and all the procedures for a delegation to travel in order to participate in meetings, conferences, tournaments, or courses. My question is: I am responsible.. More

  • Etiquette of debate

    Shaykh, assalaamu alaykum. What is the meaning of 'debate'? How should a person debate on Islamic issues with other brothers? What are the relevant rules? .. More

  • Disciplining young children whose parents are non-practicing relatives

    I am asking about forbidding other people's children to commit evil. Should we do this when their parents who are negligent Muslims do not accept authentic hadiths? So if we tell a child not to listen to music, for example, then they will tell their parents, who will say that it is not haram. Or we say do not draw humans and animal faces and their parents.. More

  • Taking Shahaadah does not have to be in public

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a female muslim revert, praise be to Allaah. I am the only Muslim in my family, and because of this I usually get into some problems with my grandmother, who became my guardian after my mother passed away in 1999. So, recently, when I went to visit her, she started quarelling with me about why I am still Muslim and in a bid to.. More

  • Warning people against person who spreads corrupt ideology

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding warning against a specific person. This person talks about wrong things and has a different ideology than the Salaf (pious predecessors). It is about a sect whom are called Khawaarij by many Salafi scholars. So this person goes to unbelieving girls who are interressted in Islam and tells them about her.. More

  • Ruling on refraining to call to Islam out of laziness

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read the following statement of Imam An-Nawawi (Rawdat At-Taalibeen, volume 7 page 289), “And if a non-believer says to a Muslim, 'open Islam to me,' and he says, 'we’ll see', or 'be patient until tomorrow', or he desires to enter Islam from preaching, and it is said to him, 'sit until the end of the gathering,' then kufr has.. More

  • Neglecting to invite non-Muslim relatives to Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I hope you are well. A brother is being tormented by his negligence in the past. His grandmother had said bad words about the Quran and belittled him before he became Muslim. Afterwards,he did not visit her for many years. He became Muslim close to 4 four years later and discovered that she died about.. More

  • How to handle a disobedient irresponsible younger brother

    Assalaamu alaykum. Can u please tell me how to treat my younger brother who is married and has a kid too. I facilitate him by all means but he constantly teases me by his disobedience and irresponsible attitude towards his own life. I myself am a psychotic patient, but he is very careless and does things that make me sick. How should I treat him, and.. More

  • Issuing certificate of conversion to Islam is not bid'ah

    In America, at our masjid, when a new Muslim converts, we issue a certificate for him. We tell him that it is not required in the religion but that it may be a means of protecting his/her rights pertaining to marriage, Hajj, or a proper burial and the likes. Some of the youth deemed it to be a bid'ah (innovation) in the religion and stated there was.. More

  • Booking hotel room for alcohol drinker

    Assalaamu alaykum. I work for a governmental department in international relations. I am in charge of applying visa, hotel booking and plane tickets for all formal delegations and personnel travelling. My boss is going to travel to abroad, and I have to book a hotel for him while knowing that he is drinks alcohol and might be travelling to a country.. More