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As Salamu aleykum respected scholar. I'm praying salah since I'm 12 years old. But i prayed incorrectly until i turned 16(at least i think so) because nobody taught me the correct way. I'm trying to make them up but i also realized that even after 16 i mostly prayed in our house on a wooden floor that was painted with paintbrush made of pig hair. Does.. More
Assalamu'aalykum. I performed ablution and prayed the Thuhr and ‘Asr together because I wanted to travel to another city. Afterwards, I found some dirt that could block water from reaching the skin on my foot. I do not know when the dirt got there because I did not look at it before the ablution nor during it. I have not made up for these prayers.. More
Is a child rewarded for the good deeds that he offered before the age of puberty?
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Is it permissible for one who drinks alcohol to pray if he is mindful of what he is saying so that he may not miss the obligation of prayer, acting on the Saying of Allaah The Almighty [Quran 4: 43]? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you. .. More
Can a person pray during or just after they have used drugs or alcohol, or should they skip the prayer? .. More
Assalammualaykum.. I have a mental disease(schizophrenia) and lately I have been trying my best to perform the 5 daily prayers, dzikr and read the Quran to heal and calm myself. However, I have the understanding that you need to be sane to perform Friday prayers. Are people suffering from mental illness like myself are exempted from Friday prayers and.. More
can somebody pray salat when he is drunk but he is still in sence(not senceless).. More
1) Is there any Islamic healing like using certain recitals from the Qur'an to cure schizophrenia?2) Should a person who is schizophrenic but not showing the symptoms after treatment practise obligatory prayers, etc.?.. More
Praying in congregation at the Masjid is Fard-ain. I am 14 years old does all obligations such as praying at the Masjid become incumbent upon me. I learnt that when you reach the age of puberty it is obligatory to discharge all obligations. But, is it true that one who has reached the age of puberty and is young like my age he does not have the obligation.. More
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