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Can women pray without covering her feet in a women surrounding.. More
My dad and i are muslim and my mum is christian. I still live with my parents and my mum always asks me to pray with her in the mornings. Is it permissible to do so?
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assalamu alaykum. supppse i join imam in the 3rd rakah of zuhr salah. after salam i stand to complete my missed portion. then i noticed that imams wudu had broken in salah or before salah, so they start to repeat the salah. what should i do then?
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Assalamu alaikum, for Fajr, I was wondering which twilight it starts at. Is it the Astronomical or Nautical twilight?
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I work at a meat factory where they slaughter cows and process their meat, the department I work in is the freezer area, the place where they actually slaughter the cow is in another building my question is would it be acceptable to pray in the freezer of this place?
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Assalamalaikum,As i am planning to build toilet in my newly constucted house,Is it mandatory compulsary we should not face ourself nor our back in direction of qibla while answering call of nature or the toilet area is small , it is difficult to construct the toilet not facing in the direction of qibla. please guide me. waiting for your.. More
Assalaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakaatuh. My question is " Do I have to perform Instijah whenever I am going to perform wudhu ? "
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I’ve heard that praying behind someone who is sleeping is forbidden. I was praying fair but someone was sleeping in the same room I didn’t face towards them while I was praying is my prayer valid.
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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakathu respected Scholars. My question is about praying 3 to 5 minutes before the actual start of prayer time. Is it allowed to do this for Zuhr and Asr prayers? What about Fajr, Maghrib and Isha? Is the prayer acceptable if prayed a few minutes earlier? How many minutes can it be please specify number? May Allah subhana.. More
Assalamu alaikum. Dear sheikh, if I remember I have not prayed rakatayl fajr while I have started praying subhi holding in mind that I'm praying alone and not behind the Imam and still in the first rak'ah, can I cut off the prayer and observe rakatayl fajr or should I continue and observe it afterwards?
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My question is, can my female teacher give personal sessions to help with my school work, what about if a female teacher comes in to my class and wants to collect me for whatever educational reason takes me out of my class and into another room am I sinful and finally I pray at my school (it is not an islamic school) but sometimes it’s nearly time.. More
if someone is looking back when performing solah through the glass in his front
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NEED URGENT ANSWER: My local mosque began to pray the ‘ishaa’ prayer at 10:15pm here in Britain (UK) and I recently saw the existence of the red afterglow still in the sky from my garden at 10:19pm, which isn't visible from my room window. I cautioned the imaam of the mosque on this and he said that the white light exists till fajr. I clarified.. More
Is discharge from eye pure? If it is come in contact in cloth / body/ other things ,will it be impure? Does purity or impurity depends on colour of eye discharge?If during washing face in ablution this discharge comes out & spread all over the face & hand ,all of those things will be impure and ablution ,prayer will be cancelled? This seems.. More
Salam!I was wondering what the ruling on a little bit of the neck or hair showing intentionally is. I don't mean showing the whole neck, just a smaller part of it (if the veil is loose for example or if you wear a turtleneck shirt/dress).I heard of the 'less than a quarter' rule and some scholar's positions as well
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