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Salam Alaikum. I had went to my dad's house to visit him. When I wanted to pray, I noticed that there were some discharge on my underwear- I did put a napkin but sometimes it slips a little so thats what happened. I didn't have an extra pair of underwear with me, so I couldn't change it. I applied some water to a napkin and scrubbed it a little to.. More
Assalamu alaikum.My daughter is her praying age.Since she has Indian Board Exam in March,which will Insha Allah decide her future she goes for tuition immediately after coming from class at 4 in the evening.She goes to her friends house prays Asr there and they both go to tuition which is about 10 minutes walking distance.Tuition is from 5:30 to 7:00.. More
asalam au alaikum
i have been wondering that if it is right to pray in the class room while at school . the class rooms are quite dirty to pray in and the carpets are dirty as well so i will be looking forward for an answer... More
My wife and daughter had adopted a little dog 2years ago and will not let go, they all attached to each other. I always have argument regarding the dog. However I do pray all the time and try to stay away from it. Keeping in mind I live in the U.S.A and my entire neighbors has dogs. After all I do not want to be abusive to the dog. What should.. More
To avoid embarrassment, I performed the prayer in congregation while I was in menses. I only performed the movements without reciting the Quran. What is the ruling on this? .. More
I performed ablution for Janaazah prayer, can I perform another obligatory prayer with the same ablution, like Maghrib prayer for instance, or I am obliged to renew my ablution? .. More
My child was 3 years and he try to go to the bathroom to make bibi. But before he goes he makes 2 or 3 drops of bibi in his underwear. And put his hand in his underwear and touch anything, touch me and stay in the chairs before go to the bathroom. I didn't know that he makes bibi what can I do? What he touches with his hand and if he touches me?.. More
I would appreciate if you can please answer me on the following question. I work in a company and the only place to pray is in a storage. However, I have found out that this storage holds alcohol in various boxes. I am unsure if I should continue praying as usual or do I stop because it's not a purity place. .. More
Can a woman pray in a house of a mushrik when the time due for Congregational prayers?
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As a revert to Islam, I need to know is it acceptable to pray in the houses of my family who are not Muslims. They have crosses and statues/figures around. So my question is can I pray in a room that doesn't have these things? Or can I not pray in a house altogether that has these things even if they are not in the room that I'm praying in?
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Is it permissible to pray in impure clothes out of necessity (such as the clothes on which some urine drops have fallen, sperm has fallen) when one cannot change his clothes or by doing so he will miss the prayer? Please answer in detail. .. More
Is it forbidden to pray where camels are raised?.. More
I read in one of your Fatwa that "perfumes mixed with alcohol are Najasa" and if you use them you can't perform prayers. I live in USA and my job requires me to be clean and smell nice. I don't think I can find perfume or cologne in USA not mixed with alcohol. What do you advise me to do?.. More
Is it okay to make Salat at my desk because there is no other place here at work to pray?.. More
Will Allah accept my Salat if I wear perfume or hair gel which has alcohol as part of the ingredients?
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