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My dad and i are muslim and my mum is christian. I still live with my parents and my mum always asks me to pray with her in the mornings. Is it permissible to do so?
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assalamu alaykum. supppse i join imam in the 3rd rakah of zuhr salah. after salam i stand to complete my missed portion. then i noticed that imams wudu had broken in salah or before salah, so they start to repeat the salah. what should i do then?
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I’ve heard that praying behind someone who is sleeping is forbidden. I was praying fair but someone was sleeping in the same room I didn’t face towards them while I was praying is my prayer valid.
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My question is, can my female teacher give personal sessions to help with my school work, what about if a female teacher comes in to my class and wants to collect me for whatever educational reason takes me out of my class and into another room am I sinful and finally I pray at my school (it is not an islamic school) but sometimes it’s nearly time.. More
if someone is looking back when performing solah through the glass in his front
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As-salamu alaykum brothers and sisters who are answering this. I have a question regarding praying with the Quran In hand. I know it’s not permissible to pray with the Quran in hand during fard salat but I would like to pray at least 2 rakaat of sunnah salat that are extra long every day. I however don’t memorize but a few Surat of the Quran. I’m.. More
Question 1: The mens masjid is opposite the womens musalla by a road approximately 12 metres wide.There is full speaker connection between the two buildings. Is the salah of the women accepted if they follow the Imam even if the mens hall is not completely full?Question 2.What if the distance of 12 metres gap is increased to 24 metres. Is the women's.. More
As Salam Alae kumI have a question and I want Islamic view on thisOne gentleman purchased 2 flats but the flats were in the name of 2 individuals who were part of a trust. He wanted them to prepare this place for offering salah for muslims of all sect and may be this was the reason why he did not purchase the flat in the name of the trust. In this part.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahe wabarakatahuMy question is that if we left any rukn in namaj like forgot to rafulyadain in some place, forgot to sit after 2nd rekah,forgot to recite some dua and at last we do sajda e sahu 2 prostration will my salah be valid or not?
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Salaam ‘Alaykum. Is the disappearance of the red afterglow/twilight (i.e the time for the end of maghrib and beginning of ‘ishaa’) in exact accordance with the end time of nautical twilight or are they two different things (i.e. is the disappearance of the red afterglow/twilight and nautical twilight the same thing or two different things)?Jazaakum-Alla.. More
A)I know for an act of worship to be valid, one must have the right intention. My problem is I've missed salah for many years and I am now making all of them up so my Intention is "I am making up my first fajr prayer" however I got confused on one of the days and said "I am making up my ninth Fajr prayer" etc when it reality it was the 10th I was making.. More
I suffer greatly from daydreaming to the extent that I am always absentminded and never stop thinking. Therefore, sometimes I finish my prayers whereas I am not conscious of it at all. Do I have to make up my prayer whether the obligatory or the voluntary ones?.. More
Salaam Alaikum dear Imam, During obligatory prayer we get very abbreviated time for reciting Surah Al-Faatihah in the last two rakah of Dhuhr, Asr, Isha and one rakah in Maghrib and frequently we are unable to complete its recitation , so due to this shortness, can it be permissible for one to skip saying "Aouzubilla minash shaitaanir rajeem" and “Bismillaa.. More
I want to ask about the timing of asr cos i came acroos some brothers in Nigeria, saying that, the timin of asr is determined by the one onf the noon time(forbiden time) cos, there will be no shadow during tat time, but here in our state in Nigeria there is wat we called residual shadow durin tat time, so they determine asr by adding the shadow of residual.. More
How to pray on the horse whereby we enter the horse competition that start at night and finish on the morning? .. More
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