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Thanks for your explanation, I need more clarification: who is Dara? Is he Darius king of Ancient Persian? I found another information in the Internet that Dhul-Qarnain is probably Cyrus the Great founder of Persian Empire whose empire was from Black Sea in the West to Indus Valley in the East, is it correct?.. More
"Side with your brother if he is the oppressor or the oppressed " and also "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allaah and your enemies, and others besides whom you may not know but whom Allaah doth know." If its possible could you tell.. More
Who's exactly Dhul-Qarnain? Is it correct, he's Alexander the Great from Macedonia? What are the clauses which confirming that Dhul-Qarnain was Alexander the Great from Macedonia?.. More
This is the verse I read today which I could not understand, 2: 260 "And remember when Abraham said, `My Lord, show me how Thou give life to the dead.' God said, `Dost thou not believe?' Abraham said, `Yes, but I ask this that my heart may be at ease.' God answered, `Take four birds and make them attached to thee. Then put each of them on a hill; then.. More
"Allah is severe in Punishment" and "Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful" these two Ayahs are repeated several times in Qur'an. Can you explain to me how these two are linked and what it is the correct meaning?
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Please explain Ayah No. 205 of Surah Al-A'raf (7: 205) and Ayah No. 25 of Surah Al-Insan (76: 25)... More
Can you please explain Ayah No. 28 and 32 of Surah Nisa'?.. More
Please inform me of the name of the Surah (s) that talks about backbiting... More
Please explain Surah Yusuf verses 107-111. Especially the verse in which Allah Said that the earlier Prophets were thinking that they might have heard wrong about the punishment of Allah on Kafirs, when the punishment was delayed on them)... More
Explain the verse 6 Surah Luqman. Is it allowed to listen to music and songs? Please give us the Daleel from the Qur'an and Sunnah. What does Wahhabi mean? Are they from Sunni Muslims... More
I have the Holy Qur'an in english. I like what I have read, but in which Surah can I find more information about the last days of the world. I read from Al-Qiyamah to the end. I want to read more... More
There is a verse in the Qur'an which says {Your wives are tilth for you so go to your tilth when or how you will} , and there is a Hadith, our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "It is forbidden to men to come their wives from behind" . May question is what is the difference between both the verse and the Hadith?
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In one of the Surahs, the Shytan says he will lead humans to cut the ears of animals and change Allah's creation. Could this be related to tissue culture where pigs ears are used to generate human skin? In another Surah it is mentioned that a certain tribe that disobeyed God was turned into monkeys and pigs. I know that this is thought of as their hearts.. More
Who was zul Qarnin? Who is ummat he in? In surah Alkahf it talks about zul Qarnin making a wall between the people & yajuj & majuj are yajuj & majuj still in the world?.. More
What is the meaning of the term "Ma Malakat Aymaanikom"? And what kind of relationship is permitted with them?.. More
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