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Aslaam o Alikum!I want to visit Saudi for visiting places around Taif and perform Umrah as well.Question is that if I am visiting Taif's Hada area and it is situated after the meqaat and I am planning to come back to taif city. Next day I will go to Makkah for Umrah through Sail Al Kabir, kindly guide is it ok to do so. In this case I will not be having.. More
I went for Umrah, Alhamdullilah. So i went with a plane to Jeddah
airport, which in between where i live and Jeddah, is a meeqat (Yalamlam)
I know i had to do the intention of Umrah there, but unfortunately
i was sleeping. I told my parent and sister to wake me, they claimed
that they tried to wake me up, but i didn't. So what should i do now?
Is.. More
Asslamualaikum,Im state of ihram i broght food for eating and they also gave me some salad having some pieces of onions. I do not remeber if i ate them but i touched them gently and removed them from bag. Is this can cause some expiation to be paid?Also doing masah and cleaning nose during wudu 2-3 hair fall, i did not pluked them but they auyomatically.. More
All praise be to Allaah, I performed Hajj this year. In the last day and before the farewell tawaf (circumambulation), and as I was returning from the Sacred Mosque, a man sexually molested me, putting his hand on my behind – intentionally. I turned towards him and cursed him, and we exchanged abuses. I was annoyed and upset, for how could this happen.. More
Is it permissible for a person in a state of ihram (ritual consecration) for Hajj to cover his feet while sleeping due to coldness? Please advise. May Allaah bless you!
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When a pilgrim commits a number of violations during Hajj, should he offer only one fidyah (expiation) for all the violations or does each violation entail an independent expiation?.. More
As salaam alaikum, I live in usa. In sha Allah iam planning for umra in the month of may with my family. my question is my wife is schizophrenia patient i.e., she is slightly mentally disorder. If she do any mistakes while performing umra, who will be responsible me or her self. And on her mistakes is it mandatory for sacrifies. .. More
My wife forgot to shorten her hair after having performed ‘Umrah and we had sexual intercourse. Afterwards, she remembered that she did not shorten her hair. What is the ruling? .. More
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife after performing Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah and before throwing the pebbles. .. More
I performed the rituals of ‘Umrah and, upon ending my state of Ihraam, I clipped my nails but did not shorten my hair. This happened in my first and second ‘Umrahs but, in the third, I shortened my hair upon ending my state of Ihraam. What is the ruling on my previous two ‘Umrahs? .. More
My wife and I performed ‘Umrah. While she was in the state of Ihraam, she covered her face with the Niqaab forgetting that this is forbidden. She remembered the ruling while she was in Tawaaf but we could not change it, so we completed the rituals of ‘Umrah. Is she required to do anything, knowing that the Niqaab had an upper piece of cloth to shade.. More
My wife and I performed ‘Umrah two years ago and my wife did not shorten her hair as she did not know that ending the state of Ihraam is achieved only by shortening the hair. What is the ruling on this? How can she end the state of Ihraam now, bearing in mind that she cut her hair many times after performing ‘Umrah. I did not know about this except.. More
Some Muslims who performed Hajj this year told us that the Committee of Senior Scholars issued a fatwa preventing bus drivers and guides from performing Hajj. They set up patrols after Meeqaat Thul-Hulayfah (Abyaar ‘Ali) and forced them to wear form-fitting clothes. Please, explain the wisdom behind this action, knowing that the drivers came from.. More
I performed Hajj last year and performed all its rites except Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah (the Hajj circumambulation) and the Farewell Tawaaf as I was menstruating. After that, I returned to my home at Madeenah and intended to return one day to perform Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah and the Farewell Tawaaf. Because of my ignorance in matters of religion, I ended the.. More
I performed ‘Umrah while wearing trousers out of ignorance, do I incur any sort of compensation? Also, I got married after performing this ‘Umrah, which was the first ‘Umrah for me and I did not perform any other ‘Umrah after that. Was my marriage contract valid?.. More
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