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Is Buffet system of eating in programmes permissible to any extent or it is totally haram in islam? Please describe in detail with all the possible references... More
Assalamu alaikum
i had earlier put up this question but havent received any mail regarding it so am doing it again.
We had purchased an electrical appliance from an LG supplier at a cheaper price.on inquiring with him how come he was selling at the price below the MRP ,he said that they load more no of good from the store and later sell it at cheaper.. More
I use castile soap that doesnt use any animal products or alcohol and this brand is famous and available at many stores but it contains some of of this persons religious philiosopies on the packaging I never payed attention to them Because it repeates contantly that god is one and I didnt look beyond that until recently I saw it had the prophets.. More
salam alykum, My family we have our own business. its a slaughter house for poultry mainley chicken. usually a customer walks in picks the animal they want, it gets weight in front of them, they pay and then we slaughter the animal(halal) and then it gets proccessed and cleaned before it gets handed to them. but sometimes some poeple usually christians.. More
I have given an advance amount to a seller in order to purchace a plot and assured him to give the remaining in a period of time. Now i have a customer who is willing to pay me a heigher price than that of which i bought the plot. can i sell the plot to him and pay of the remaining money to the previous owner.please clarify this in.. More
My mother has two brothers Salem (elder) and Sameer (younger).They lived in a small house which had a kitchen and a small room. Just before Salem’s marriage, thinking that it will be difficult for the brothers to live in such a small room, my father built a big house (demolishing the small house) which has two floors, first floor has two rooms for.. More
My husband after years of working in Saudi wants to return India to start any business. He has in his mind the following :-
1. To open a Laundry – I feel opening a Laundry in non-muslim country is not feeling good.
2. He have a plan to do sericulture cocoon reeling ( silk worms reeling to get natural silk). For this also somebody told me not.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, Is it ok to sell ZamZam? Who has the right to it? It doesn´t belong to any person specific, does it? So how can it be sold? Jazak Allah khair.. More
salam, I want to open a beauty supply remeber I may sell all kind of hair wigs what islam say about this ?.. More
Assalam u alikum Is it permissible to sell islamic publications, which may include the glorious Qur'an,for profit as a business. I have heard that there is some saying in the shariah about people who sell Allah's(SWT) verses........... Kindly guide me on this matter. Jazzakallah.. More
Al sallamu Al laikoum Is it permissible to sell air flights tickets of air lines which serves Alcohol beverages on board on demand? And what if we recommended that they do not serve any Muslim a haram product even if they have requested so? Jazzakoum Allahu khair .. More
assalamualikum i would like to know if its permissible to purchase the property auctioned by the bank. Jazakallahu Khair.. More
Is the buying of land with the intention of selling it in the future at a higher price permissable?.. More
Assalmu-Alaikum. This is regarding an incident that happened to me. During my haj(I thank Allah for giving me the opputunity and means) , during my visit to medina , in the Prophets (Peace be upon him) mosque i found the English translated copy of the Holy Quran. I Found it , very pleasingly presented , as in , it was in simple english , and there were.. More
I mean seling of shop without any things (i am the owner of the busness if we count the sturf is lesthan 20 000 but i sell it more than 100 .. More
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