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I want to ask you about bank interest: is it Haram or Halal?.. More
A brother is married and he has 6 children, he has just had a heart operation, he and his family live in a non-Muslim country. He wants to go back home but he does not own a house for his own family. He does not have enough money to buy the house, he has tried several ways to get the loan needed but at last nobody would give him the loan needed, so.. More
Is keeping money in banks as "fixed deposit" acceptable in Islam or not, because it generates and doubles the amount one deposits after a period of 5 years? This involves no risk at all and Islam says where there is no risk its "Haram". Please confirm this matter.
If I want to deposit money as fixed deposit and after 5 years I withdraw double the.. More
I am an Arabic citzen. In my counry when you want to build a house, you can ask for a loan from the bank. When you receive the money, you receive an amount less than you requested, but when you want repay the loan, you pay the original amount you requested. For instance, if you apply for a loan of 30,000 dinar, you will receive only 25,000 dinar, but.. More
Assalam Alaikum! Could you please tell me if a widow or an aged person with no source of continuing income can deposit his/her savings in a bank and receive interest?
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I bought a house here in Norway and I had no other choice, in other word I was 'muthtar and I took a loan from a bank and, of course, I should pay interest. I have a large family with 5 children and it is almost impossible to rent a house here for such large families. What does Islam say in such circumstances?.. More
Am I able to request a loan from a bank for buying a house in a country like Lebanon?
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Asalam Alikum. Thanks God for finding a precious and helpful guide for Islamic people, I am confused and I do not know what to do concerning my problem. I am an orphan since I was three years old, my father has been kidnapped in the Lebanese war in 1982 and we have never heard from him since and we think he is dead, he left a family of three members.. More
I am a married man with two kids. I have a decent job but I cannot save enough to build a house for my family. Here in Tunis we don't have Islamic banks, so all banks that give credit for building house charge an interest rate. Does our religion give permission in such a situation to get credit from the bank? I have to note that I called the ex-Mufti.. More
I have three small questions. Q1: If you have a bank account and you hear that you have won a big prize from the bank, is this money Halal or Haraam? If this is Haraam, what is the Ayat or Hadith that proves this? Q2: If this prize is Haraam, can it be used to help in any way (any kind of help)? Q3: If the Bank gives you something (watch, keyring, or.. More
Instead of accepting interest from bank on our account, we have asked bank to sponsor on a different project in the school. What is the ruling according to shariah?.. More
I have a deposit in a Bank in Canada. I put the money in a saving account without profit. I have no choice but to put this money in Bank in Canada. Each month the Bank deducts 3.00 from my account as a charge for this type of account since the bank can not make a lot of use with my money. But over time my money becomes less and less. Please advice.. More
I'm a Muslim and I've finished my studying and I'm looking for a job, but here in Morocco it's too difficult. so there is a possibility to get money from a bank with percent (riba) to have my own business, but as I know it's forbidden. I've asked other people and they told me that it's possible as I can't find work with a firm here in Morocco. So please.. More
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