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Assalamu alaikom, I would like to know what is the ruling on cheque cashing from a non-Islamic bank if no Islamic banks are available.There are ,however,small businesses that provide this service as well for a fee.What is the better alternative islamically? I would also like to know whether it's true that a cheque should only be cashed from the same.. More
Assalamualeyikum, I have taken an auto loan for my car & i pay EMI per month which has two portions - Principle - Interest I didn't had capacity to purchase a new car so i took loan, Is it allowed? Also e.g. if i am earning 50,000 & paying 2,000 as interest per month then will my entire 50,000 would be considered as haraam? does this means.. More
Assalamu alaikum! I am a nigerian working with an interest base bank, i tried hard to get another job but all my efforts are in vain,is it permissable to apply for loan from same institution which I can use to start up my business? Allah bless... More
Al Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatoullah I would be grateful if you could kindly give me an answer on the following issue. I took a loan from a bank six years ago, without knowing anything about what in sharia we call Riba, and I paid some instalments. After few months, I left my job and took my savings, including the loan money, abroad to get married and.. More
Respected Brother, my question though seem to be common but I want to get the true verdict in this regards. I am having a house which is just a single room at Mumbai, India. This single room has self contained kitchen and a bathroom. In big cities like mumbai, people get contented with such small house. I am working in qatar. back home my mother.. More
salamou3alaikoum, im married to christian women, and she want to bay a hous throught a bank lone, i told her that i cant do that since im a muslim. but she suggest that she will bay the hous with alone from the bank , and she will sel me the half of it without any rent, that meens that , we make a contract betwin me and her that says exactely how much.. More
assalamualaikum, thank you for giving us the chance to ask about fatwa. kindly pay attention to the fact that my inquiry is a bit complicated and needs to be examined in depth as it involves a dicision affecting both principles and career. -i live and work in cyprus since 1985. -i intend to develop a piece of land that i have. -i am a building contractor.. More
asalam alaykom my mother had only a Locker in one bank that is not islamic and riba based but has all ladies and no men to deal with every time she go alone to operate her locker , whereas other bank which is islamic and riba-free based has men all over the place, hence she will have to deal with men which is not convieneient to her. she only had a.. More
Bismillaah Alhamdulillaah , Assalaatu Wassalaamu ‘Ala Rasoolillah Wa ‘Ala Aalihi Wa Sahbihee Wa Sallaam. Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah. Dear Brothers May Allaah bless us to refrain from committing sins and May Allaah forgive our sins. I’m in big confusion that, I took a car loan from one of usuary bank (non Islamic bank). The thing is, their.. More
(1) A year ago, at the time of signing contract for a credit card, I was totally ignorant of the fact that I was entering a forbidden contract. However it suddenly occurred to me 2 of weeks ago that may be I was doing something wrong & I checked out your many fatwas & learned that I indeed was & am committing a sin. After looking at my balance.. More
salam, i have a doubt about bank deposit,i deposited my money for a time deposit then my intention is not because of interest just for my safety of my money,is it haram and what about the interst i can give to the needy people,so that i will be from the sin of interest,what if i put my money in a normal bank account,is permissible?pls i need an.. More
My sister sold her business and has received a large sum of money, which my father is safeguarding in his bank as my sister is living abroad. My question is will my sister be held responsible for the interest that my father accepts from her money? She has warned him not to accept the interest and has shown her disapproval, but he still insists on taking.. More
my husband is working in an international company in Egypt. i don't have a car and I am using the company car.he has been promoted last month and they offer to him to buy a car by taking loan from any bank and they will give me the amount of the car loan with my salary divided on 5 years as i take the money from them and give it to the bank. If.. More
I am living in Norway, I have buy a car for taxi work. This car cost 491000 Norwegian Kroner. I have pay 190000 Kroner. The rest of the money I will pay in 5 years, every month. I didn't discuss with the bank how much I will pay every month they send me invoice. I have calculated the invoice for 5 years and I am paying 50000 Kroner and maybe.. More
I am an employer in a Dubai based company. But I will have to work in an African country. I want to start an account in international bank which deals with interest. I do have an account in an Islamic Bank. But the service of this bank is not available internationally. If I draw money from another country, they charge considerable money. Is it.. More
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