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In the UK, they have a system, whereby people who do not have a big income can purchase a portion of the house (normally 50%). The other portion of the house is then rented to the buyer at a discounted market rate. The Government subsidies the rent. The other portion of the house will still belong to the owner of the building. (This.. More
I have just become Muslim 11months ago Al-Humdulillaah, but before that I took a loan from a bank and bought a car. I am finding it difficult to pay the repayments to the bank £8000 and do not know what to do. I have been advised to sell the car to pay back the loan but I won't get more than £3000 for it. I use the car for work and taking my.. More
Please answer my question as it worries me quite a lot and we haven't been able to find an answer in the books we read. About four years ago we bought a house on mortgage. At that time we did not know that mortgage was Haraam. Later on when we found out we sold the house and bought another house from the profit we made by selling the house... More
At times when I visit some websites they declare that I have won a prize for being the 100,000 or 1,000,000 guest on that site, and they offer a holiday cruise in Florida with cash prize of about 2,000 dollars, is it permissible to accept this travel offer, or the cash offer, or both... More
My father works in a bank and we share afamily house with my parents. I have advised him many times to look for another job but he refuses. Do I take my wife and kids and move far away from them? Or do I live close by. I am scared that my kids are eating Haraam, that I am eating Haraam. My brother also works in a bank. I do have my own income.. More
One company dealing a Ribaa business and take money from people, and give them Ribaa (profit) monthly 10% - 20%, different to different clients, their mission is not take money and ran away, but suddenly government closes it, now what can be done to people, either people have to return money back to company which they took as profit (Ribaa), and.. More
I want to know about that whether it is permissible to purchase a flat of a building from the owner who might have build that building with the money taken as bank loan and paid interest... More
Is it permissible with intention to keep deposit money in bank, the interest money be paid to near relatives who are poor like uncles, aunts. (The intention is to get interest money that will help poor relatives). Is it permissible, please clarify.
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My friend recommend to me a financial policy. It works like this. For 2 years every month I pay $70. The amount will be for two years $1680. After 2 years onwards every year I will receive $1000 for another 25 years, at the same time I will be paying $70 monthly. At the end of 25 years if death occurs my family will get $10,000. Is this policy.. More
In India there is an investment scheme from the government called 'Kisan Vikas Patra' which means 'Farmer's Development Scheme'. In this government scheme the citizens can invest money for a fixed period and this money is used for the development of the farmers by the government. In return the depositor's money is doubled in seven years. Is.. More
Here in Qatar Mashriq Bank (the headquarter is in U.A.E) issues certificates each worth 1000Qatari Riyals and at the time of purchasing of these certificates they charge 25QR as their application processing charge irrespective of the number of the certificates purchased (i.e. forone orone thousand certificatesthe cost is 25 QR only). Monthly.. More
There is this scheme here in UK known as circle of success. It does not involve any official body controlling it. But it's among people. Everyone who joins in has to pay 3000 pounds and has to bring 2 other people who pay 3000 pounds and each of these 2 people bring 2 more people with them who pay another 3000 each. As this thing goes on and.. More
While I was a student in the US, I had to borrow some money from the American government. The government was paying the interest while I was studying. For some personal reasons I had t move out from theUS and to my home country, which is poor. Which of these do I have to take care first: debt, marriage or Hajj? Know that my debt is substantial.. More
I have been married to my husband for 8 years. I knew after I married him that the 2 houses he has he bought after taking mortgage with interest from the bank. I told him that this is Haram but he never listens. He also bought 2 other houses the same way and didn’t listen to what I told him. Now we live in one house and he rents the others... More
I purchased a house in Ireland in 1998 by taking a loan from a bank. I know it is a great sin to deal in Riba. My intention initially was to profit from there-sale of the property. I have come to realise this great sin and evil and truly feel very bad about it.
Currently I am using this house as a family residence andcannot sell it. Rents locally.. More
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