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I am a 20-year-old student studying in the USA. I saw a sister that is pious and has good morals. She always comes to the Masjid. I want to get engaged to her, and get married after I graduate, but I fear that her father will refuse me because of my age. Please give me advice.
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My daughter is in love with a young man who is wonderful in terms of character and religion. However, he has nothing. There is no apartment to live in. His salary is very low. On the other hand, we are quite well off. We have another daughter who married a young man who is also very well off. They are quite happy, Al-Hamdu Lillah. What should we do?
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The following letter is very sensitive so I ask you to understand me and to help me and gave me advice how to behave in the following matter. I have a sister who is about to be engaged to a man who is not Bosnian, but an Arab national. They got to know each other through on Internet Islamic site. In the beginning it was planned that he would come to.. More
There was a narration from the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) that once a companion of his married and informed the Prophet that he had married a widow. The Prophet asked him why he married a widow. He told him that if he married a single woman then he would have found her being playful towards him and he would have been playful with her.
Altho.. More
I know a girl I think would make a very good wife for me, but she does not wear the Niqab. I view that the Niqab is Fard. If I marry her would I be sinning?
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My question is for someone I know well. She is guilty about something that happened to her. She used to live with her family in her cousin's house. There her male cousin used to treat her extra nice and thus she thought he was being nice to her as she was young and very very naive and innocent. She was unaware that he was trying to seduce her as she.. More
I am a teenager,. but I have agreed to marry a woman who is half older than me and very big in body size. So please advice me if this is a problem.
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We all know that the messenger of Allah (pbuh) has encouraged us to seek a righteous woman (Thaatu Din) for marriage. To ensure that the woman they're trying to marry is indeed righteous, some youth require that their wives have certain requirements such as memorizing Qur'an (or most of it) and wearing Niqab (i.e. coving their faces). Are these valid.. More
How can a woman decide whether a person who proposed to her is suitable or not? Assalam Alaikum
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I'm a girl 21years old. There is a man in my life that I love very much. He loves me too and wants to marry me. He asked my hand of my father and he agreed, but his family don't love me because there is another person of his family that asked me to marry him. I refused because I love this man! Am I right or not?.. More
I want to get married but I live in the US away from my family. How can I find a wife? Should I ask people in the mosque?
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I am a young Muslim girl. I believe I am rather gifted by Allah. I have the ability to just notice things that others can't, and often my dreams come true, in which I am often visited by the dead.I was just wondering, is there any saying or any evidence that every girl shall get married or, in any case, receive proposals?I have received a couple, but.. More
There is this man that I'm planning to marry. He has good character and is a practicing Muslim. But the problem is he doesn't think a college education is an important part of life. I think it is and I want him to go to college to be educated and I want to respect him both for his knowledge and practice of the Dean and for other types of knowledge... More
I'm a 26 years old student living in the USA. I feel like I want to get married but I don't have family around here, so can they find me a wife? What should I do?
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A man who is a very good person but lacks religion (good Deen) but has good character proposes to a sister and she rejects him because of his lack of good Deen and he keeps asking. What should she do if her family is pushing her to marry him but she really doesn't want to marry a man who lacks Deen? Also what if a man proposes to a sister who has been.. More
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