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Can a Muslim Arab woman marry a non-Arab Muslim Man?
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Can a Muslim Arab woman marry a (non-Arab) Muslim Man?
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I'm a Muslim girl and I have problem and I hope you can help me. My cousin wants to marry me and he is good boy but he is not educated at all and I'm a doctor, from my side I don't see him lower than me because I know that all of us are similar and nobody is better than the other only by his work but I'm afraid that he will feel jealous and this will.. More
What does Islam say about parents not blessing a son's marriage just because the lady he is marrying is 3 years older than him? Bear in mind the son is 36 years old.
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We belong to the Islamic center of central Pennsylvania in the United States. A deviated Muslimah (female) wants to marry a new American Muslim (male). What is the Hukm here?
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I'm a Pakistani student in Romania studying dentistry. There are two converted Muslims from Christianity, both are Romanians. One woman is a widow, her name is Fatimah and her daughter who is 19, studying in law school, her name is Najwa. Both became Muslim last October Fatimah and Najwa in 1st of Ramaza. I want to ask it I have a right to marry (Najwa)?.. More
If a Muslim woman 25 years of age has no help from her family in finding a suitable husband what can she do? I am from Somali living in theUK my parents will not look for a husband for me or my sisters, and there are 6 of us. In our culture the woman's family can't look for husbands, it has to be a male that approaches your family and that is not always.. More
I saw on an Islamic site that it is encouraged for people to marry someone of a different culture; the reasoning is that this helps to reduce racial prejudice. Is this true? Please provide reference in the Quar'an... More
I'm a divorced woman who converted recently. My boyfriend is from Algeria and actually wants to move on with me, but his parents do not accept me. What does the Quran say about getting married with a divorced woman? Is there a chance to convince his parents that I'm not a bad person, nor a person of 2nd class? His parents judge without knowing me. Is.. More
When I went to my country a couple of years ago, men would propose to me because I have Canadian citizenship. Every one of them wanted to marry me in the hopes that I would bringhim to Canada. Since I found this to be very offensive, I told everyone that I would not marry anyone who does not have a passport of an English country. Is this fair?
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I have a man whom I love very much. He proposed to me 3 months ago. We were together at university. We have been loving each other for 5 years now. He is only 8 months older than I. My father and mother don't want this marriage. They are saying that he is too young to handle marriage responsibilities. He is 22.5 years old. His father and mother feel.. More
Assalaamu alaikum Dearest brothers, shukran for answering my questions, but to no avail it has still left me confused. Reason being that i have read through some of the other questions as well as the answeres u supplied , i came across a question 3549 something similar to mine, yet u discouraged this man from marrying her, bringing the matter of CULTURE.. More
An Arab man has asked me to marry him, but he is engaged to his cousin. He does not wish to marry her, saying that if he does marry her it would be unfair to her as he does not want her and their relationship could never be happy as they don't even get along now. He would marry her to please his family especially his mother. He can have many wives but.. More
I'm 20 years old and I plan to get married in the next couple of years. My aunty says she has found a girl for me. However, this girl lives overseas, hence I'm unable to meet her personally to make my decision. My family says there is a family video on which she appears. Is it permissible for me to see her on that video before making a decision to go.. More
Is a Muslim woman allowed to choose who she wants to marry?.. More
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