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Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married to my husband for almost 26 years and we have 3 children. My husband married another woman in secret, almost 4 years ago, and they have a child. My husband actually cannot afford to spend on more than one wife. I am paying for the house and other expenses, like the children's education, and so on. He also does.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have read this on another website and want to know the authenticity of this: At the time of the marriage of Faatimah and‘Ali, may Allaah be pleased with them,the Holy Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,added the clause that ‘Alicould not marry another woman as long as Faatimah would be alive.
Can a father from the side.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My husband married my friend without my knowledge. I know that there is no need to inform me in Islam. I was devastated and asked him to divorce me because she is now pregnant. Instead of divorcing me, he divorced her through a text message. Is this valid? And did I commit a sin given that he divorced.. More
I am the first wife of my husband. We married four years ago and have a baby girl who is three years old. I wish to mention that I have been working in a company for five years. My husband ded not have a job when we got married. Moreover, he has not been looking for a job for the last four years. I bare all the expenses, including those for the baby... More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know the following: does a man have to inform the first wife if he marries a second? What if he does not inform her or denies having a second wife (while he does have one) and then dies, and suddenly the second wife appears at the funeral? Or what if, without their knowledge that they are siblings, the children fall.. More
I am a co-wife, my husband spent almost three weeks with his other wife when she gave birth to their second child to help her out. He spent no nights with me during that time; is he required to make up for these nights with me?
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Some people say that getting married more than once without letting the first wife know is not permissible because this is considered cheating (on her), and the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, “Whoever cheats does not belong to me.” Narrated by Muslim (102). Is this claim with the aforementioned evidence acceptable?
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My older sister got married more than 20 years ago. My older brother arranged the marriage for his best friend's wife's brother. My sister and her husband tried to have children for eight years and tried treatments to cure her infertility. However, the doctors said she will never be able to conceive. So her husband asked her and our family if he could.. More
I am a co-wife; is it permissible for my husband to spend the first day of my time with his first wife till after 'Asr because I am at work? When it is her first day, then he leaves my place before 10AM. I told him that due to me working, he spends more time with first wife, and he is clearly going against what Allaah, The Exalted, ordered (to be just)... More
Assalaamu alaykum. Many hadiths mention the practice of casting lots during the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. For example, when deciding which of the wives would accompany the Prophet on a journey, they would cast lots. Do we know how the casting of lots was done? Were the names pulled from a bowl, for example? May Allaah reward.. More
I wrote to u about divorcing my second wife, and you replied with question no: 2579784. I divorced her. I intended to divorce her while visiting her, but I did not. I later decided to go back to her house with the intention that if I found her at home, I would not divorce her but that if I did not find her at home, I would divorce her because she would.. More
A man has 2 wives and wife number 2 goes to visit her umm on her off weekend and is due back on her Monday but didn't make it back. Is it permissible for the man to go stay at wife number 1 house when it's not her not even though wife number 2 is not home for her night?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My friend has 2 wives, 1 of them recently came to the UK on his visa, but she did not get along well with the other wife (both lived in one house). He has children with both of them. Recently, the wife who came on a visa has falsely accused my friend of beating her, and of other horrible things, in order to get money and a UK passport.. More
Dear Sheikh me and my husband are having a lot of problem regarding equality between 2 wives he recently took second wife, we are living in separated house but on weekend we meet in his quest house to spend the weekend or holidays, and when we are together if she request for something like fruit or icy cream money he will buy it for only her without.. More
Asc bro&sis. Me and my husband has been married over 2 year's but we have no kids. I have health issue which me and doctor think is the reason why i couldn't concieve however we are still trying im taking fertility medication. After one year of marriege my husband start looking els we wherefor second wife to fulfill his dreams when i find out his.. More
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