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Asslamoalikum In Islam it is permissible to have up to four wives. My question is how can you have four wives and prevent sexually transmited diseases (STD)? I know Allah has more wisdom then anyone, so how does it work. Jazakullah
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Salam, My issue is of a drama! I agreed to marry a married man, he wife did not know at the time when we got married! Her husband told her he had intent & she could not see his just reason why he would want to get married!! So we keeped it secret.. We had only been married for 2months & she found out!! She read it in a text for him to me... More
Is a second marriage invalid if: 1.the husband was not providing for the first wife when he took a second wife 2.if he could not afford a second wife 3.if the second marriage destroyed the structure and stability of the first family and first marriage. 4.if after the second marriage he is not being fair; shutting the first wife off for weeks and living.. More
I am a twenty-year-old Muslim girl who loves a young man and he loves me too and wants to marry me. The problem is that he is married and has a child. I want to marry him but I fear that I might ruin his other family, what should I do?.. More
Assammualaikum Dear sir , my husband has 1st wife & 4 childrens and i am the second second wife & our marriage is arrange marrige I am MBA degree holder and I have 1 son. . Sir, my husband always tell his 1st wife that, he did the 2nd marriage only to look after his work and business , he always bring home his 1st wifes relative and he tell.. More
My 1st wife similar to my age 46 years old, having 3-sons and 1-daughter.eldest son is 26 years old and remaining 3-child were 2 years junior than each other consiqutively.My first wife is at the menopausal stage .I married second time without knowing my first wife and children as well .When they came know after 4 months that I got married then.. More
Assalamualaikum, I have two wives , i have taken to perform Hajj to my first wife before 17 to 18 years and Now again I want to take my first wife for Hajj , though my second wife wants to come with me to perform Hajj. Please guide me whether I have to first take Second wife for Hajj or I can take my first wife . Thankyou.. More
Assalamu allaikkum, i am very much disturb and without peace for the past 1 year cos i married a non muslim widow as my second wife. aleady i am having a elder wife with two kids. i am a middle class familyman with lots of responsibility. My second wife is also having a 8 years boy. She wants a baby from me. i dont like to have one more already i.. More
assalam alikum. i've been married for 7years but till now i dont have no children due to my wife's medical problem. i would like to know if it is permissible for me to make a second marriage,knowing that i can't treat both my wives equally , as i would always love my first wife more. and i plan to keep them in separate countries, i would live with.. More
My husband has a first wife and he stay one day with her and another day with me and so on, but she always calls him for him to go help her and their kids with things they may need but when I call him he always tells me that he cant help me and that he will just help me when he stays with me and our kids, he makes me feel like he preffers them more.. More
Assalam-mu-alaikum Sir, I have 2 wives, but my first wife is not supporting me im my business, where as my second wife is helping in my business and as well as in my personal life. Hence I want to know whether I have to pay here salary or something for her service in my business. Secondly she is not asking me a single paise for her service. Because.. More
Which is safer in terms of clearing oneself of liability: to keep a wife who pretends to like her co-wife, or to divorce her?.. More
I am married to a man who was previously married and has children. He divorced his first wife because she refused to go with him abroad where he works, in addition to many other problems. He warned her that if she did not respond to him, he would marry another woman. However, she did not object, so he married me and I gave birth to our children. Afterwards.. More
I have a second wife who is a teacher. I do not know anything about her salary and she does not bear any of her expenses. Is it permissible to give my first wife an allowance if she asks me in order to fulfill some of her needs?.. More
I am a mother of three children and for several years my husband has been telling me that he is going to marry another woman. Although I am his only wife, I do not feel that he fulfils my rights, because he is always either watching TV, sleeping, using the computer or out with his friends and does not return home until 1 a.m. Since I live in a country.. More
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