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I have encountered a wizard situation. I need solution to this problem; it started 2002 in the USA. I met good Muslimah (convert) from the Internet; she was divorced with 4 children. I was a virgin, and committed a sin (illegal sex intercourse) with her. She got pregnant, and when she told me I advised her to have abortion. She refused and insisted.. More
If a girl is pregnant (two months) at the time of marriage without the knowledge of the boy who is getting married to her. Then after 1 month the previous person who got her pregnant illegally wants her back to marry what steps has to be taken. Do the marriage which took place legally is allowed or forfeited. Please reply. .. More
I lately have been reading about Islam and believe it to be the path for me. I am currently engaged to a Muslim man and need to know if our marriage will be valid as long as I become Muslim first. Also my past is not a clean one. I have done many sinful things and was wondering how that would affect our marriage bond. I do regret these things and will.. More
I have a Christian girlfriend and I got her pregnant. My problem is that she is not willing to convert to Islam. My parents still doesn’t know about this but they once told me that they will not accept her in the family even if she converts. What will I do if she refuses to convert? And if she converts, am I allowed to marry her even without.. More
I was married to my Danish wife when she was 3 months pregnant with my child. We got married in a mosque and she also converted to Islam at the same time. I have since never committed any adultery and have begged for forgiveness from Almighty Allaah. Is my child legitimate? .. More
Is it permissible to get married to a girl with whom one has had Zina(fornication)?
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How would a husband and a wife repent if they committed "Zina" before their marriage? Do they have to remarry?
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I am a Muslim which have had a relationship with a young Muslim woman, and she is embarrassed since one month. My parents as well as her would be ready to marry us if we respect the rules of Allah, within the process. I would like to know which are the steps to follow in order to get married according to the rules. Those Islam allow abortion if.. More
I am a sister in need of help. My husband had commit adultery (Zina) with a woman who was married at the time. She left her husband to marry my husband. So he married her without my knowledge. I found out about it a couple of months later. I was told that I have to accept his marriage to her, that it is his right in Islam. Should I accept this.. More
I heard that according to the Imam Malik School when you sleep with a girl (A-Zina), it is forbidden to marry her because it's forbidden to (Haram). Is it forbidden to marry a girl you had sex with? .. More
Can I marry someone who confessed to me that he's a gay (i.e. sexually abnormal) taking into consideration that I believe that I can some how change him by time?
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In Mazhab Hanbali, if a couple did zina, they cannot marry at all and should be separated at once. Is this true?
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I was in Russia and I met a girl and I loved her, but she was not virgin, after an illeagal sexual relationship before she knew me, but now she understand her mistake and the mistake of her society, and then I married her there in Russia last year. Now we are planning to do the Islamic marriage (kateb kitab) but I want to be sure that the fact that.. More
If a person committed zina when she was young and then repented truly to Allah and lived a Muslim life, is it permissible for her to marry her zani's father if he proposes marriage? What if she is not a virgin now? and what if she committed other acts but is still a virgin? Do these make a difference and if so please say what. Thank you very much.
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I have a girl friend I want to marry her, but I have gone with her and it was anal sex. Can I be forgiven by Allah because I have put an end to it? Can I marry her?
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