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Hello first I want to thank you for all the good your doing I’m an older man. And I work at a place the doesn’t awlow you to marry a coworker I met a female Christian and stared teaching her about Islam she was abused a lot as a child and is very insecure in her self she is eager to learn about Islam and believes every thing she reads we did.. More
I've been marred for some years & I hav been having problems with my husband,there is 1 of my freind at work whom we are so close with &i do share my marital problems with him,unfurtunatly he use that avenue &raped me &it continued that that am divorce &repent i still can't take him out of my mind is it lawful 4 me 2 marry.. More
I was engaged to a girl and we made love for last 4 years.I never cheated her financially, emotionally & our marriage was due in 3 mths. But she cheated me financially & did not listen to me.She never bothered about me or my family but thought only about her family.They got things done from her emotionally although I told her not to do as.. More
All praise is due to Allaah, some time ago Allaah The Almighty guided me; however, before my repentance, I had an unlawful relationship with a man who was older than me. He exploited me and I fell into sin. I ended this relationship. The son of that man, who has good morals, intends to marry me. I think I cannot find anyone better than him for me... More
Asalam Alikum Wr Wb. Dear Shaikh, i like a girl very much.she lost her mother in accident.she did sin of adultery with other guy and that boy is telling her to marry.she is close to me also i told her to repent and i feel restless i dont want to loose her i dont know . i love her. important thing is that when she told me about her sin i told her i.. More
salam i'm havein a problem i am geting marryed to a guy he is muslima n i am muslim he hits me the frist time it was from me not prayin but the next and next time it was because he was mad or i did not say anything but the frist time it was not that hard but it got harder and harder and hareder i meet him online found out he lives 10 houses down but.. More
Assalam. may Allah reward you, 1. in four years back during my Services year, i stayed with non Muslim in the same room, he use to bring women to the room and sleep with her,i advice him but he refuse so my heart get weak, when i come back to my home town i have a girl friend that i agree to married her and her heart too is weak so we have a sex , at.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, i am a 23 yr old muslim student, who is trying to get married and start a halal life and to refrain from my troubled past, but the biggest issue is i had a child out of wedlock here in the U.S. with a christian woman about 5yrs ago, and now my son is 4. i prolonged marriage with her for so long because i wasn't sure i loved her enough.. More
Salam alaykom.I live in a muslim Arab country where sexual relationships have become a habit between men and women before marriage.I did that and now I'm no more a virgin.I realised how awful it was and regretted it so many times and repented since 1 year.Now I'm going to be engaged and my future husbad knows that I had sex before and he knows that.. More
Assalamo Alaikom Warahmatullah. First I would like to thank you for your effort and your site Jazakum Allah Khayran. I belong – Wal Hamdu Lellah – to a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan. I married my cousin 14 years ago, and we are both very committed Muslims WHLL. I have inherited from my father many lands in and out of my country (tea plantations).. More
i did vey bad thing i had sex with agirl and she slept with another in same week then she get pegnant ,then i married her after 5 month,(before ihad sex with her i asked her if she want to marry me ,i knew that it was playing with religion )now i dont know if the baby is mine or not and i dont know what to do its the biggest mistake in my life plus.. More
Assalamu Alaikum First of all i want to thanks for this great site.Since i am muslim this site help me to avoid many mistakes in my life and find answer for many questions.I met my husband when i was christian,we had sex before merryd.The last our sex was 1.5 months before we get legall merryd.For all this time my present husband was the one man.Few.. More
I read your Fatwa on children out of fornication but as the couples have known, can they re marry themselves according to Islamic Law as they have been living as Husband and wife, and can the Father claim the Children as he wants the Children... More
i had a sexual relationship with my boyfriend.i knew that it was a sin but he led me to believe that when we would marry our sins would be erased. now i realise that it was wrong and i pray to god for forgiveness and mercy. When my boyfriend came to request my hand in marriage-he refused my fathers conditions on dowry money in case of divorce. now he.. More
Assalamualaikum, Question 1 : What is the correct thing to do when girl become Pregnant outside of marriage? Question 2 : Assuming the father of the child wants to marry her, can he? Question 3 : Is the marriage valid if they did marry? Question 4 : If they married, what should they do now to correct it? Question 5 : What if they don't correct it? Question.. More
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