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They committed adultery and claimed to have repented but continued to commit sins and be alone together. She became pregnant and he got permission to marry her from her father, who was unaware. They performed the marriage and some people who were aware of their situation told them that their marriage is invalid because the repentance was incomplete,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Muslim. I am in love with a girl who is a Sunni Muslim. My love for her is pure and I want to marry her. When I approached her mother, she denied me straight away, but when I again approached her, she agreed but said that we would have to wait one year. After a year, when I approached her, she said that her daughter did not.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am a happily married woman with four children, praise be to Allaah. Lately, however, waswas (devilish whisperings) on wether my mariage is valid or not has affected my life after I have heard some fatwas and hadiths. I committed zina (fornication) with my husband 14 years ago and, we soon (mid june 2000)decided to get married in.. More
My husband committed adultery, once I found out I encouraged him to repent and correct his ways. But for over a year he still continued to lie and continue a relationship with her, even going as far as to pay her bills, move her into a larger home and provide generously for her and her child. This caused a lot of turmoil in our marriage, and he said.. More
Respected Scholars, I have a question with regards to Surah Al-Nur: Ayat 3, and I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on the matter. I have been reading various translations, fatwas, tafsirs and commentaries explaining the verse and there seems to be a difference of opinion amongst the scholars when it comes to the interpretation the meaning... More
Our virtuous Shaykhs, could you please advise us regarding the following issue and May Allaah The Exalted Reward you. As you are aware of the fact that one’s faith may wane from time to time; and accordingly one might commit what is prohibited, like adultery, Allaah Forbids. Such disasters are exposed via pregnancy; then, some people’s conscience.. More
What is to be done if a chaste woman marries a Zaani (fornicator) without knowing? She married him believing him to be a pious man then found out about his past by finding pictures and messages through his phone and computer. He may still be involved in sin because he leaves the house when he is off work and does not come back for hours, and he continues.. More
my daughter committed zina and she is pregnant by another muslim who is her step brother. i took the position based on the fatawa by the permanent committee in saudi arabia that they can't get married until after the child is born. her step father is saying that sheikh uthaymeen has a position that it is permissible to get married before the child is.. More
Slm, I have certain questions. I have been in a relation with a muslim girl for 5 years. I am single muslim guy. We both are 23 years old. Through this relation we came very close and have comitted zina. I told my parents that i like her and want to marry her but they refused to accept as the girl is not from our community. So my questions are: 1) Is.. More
Assalamalaikum, Brother, my friend is working in abroad, he is away from his wife for 1 year. His wife made affair with one of his relative for few months, they came into illegal sex and now she got pregnant, she told her husband, she was asking for khula but afterward she repent and she told her husband that she closed that all things and don't.. More
assalamo alikum, sheikh i submitted one question before that i read on a site that those who committed zina and got married before repentance should remarry, i also mentioned that i read the definition of zina major sin is that the head of the penis hould enter the vagina, in my case we never had a proper sexual intecourse before marriage in best.. More
Asselamu Aleikum sheik, am asking THIS question on behalf on my friend. Well, Two Muslim couples committed zina yesterday night. They knew that it was haraam and forgot to repent it and then they got married today morning in halal way. After 3 weeks, wife got pregnant. Right now, I have 3 more questions 1. Does the marriage is valid or not? 2. Is.. More
salaam, being a girl ,i need to know that am i allowed in islam to marry my cousin who once had homosexual relation with my brother in teens and then he repented .afterwards he never did that act and seriously want to marry me.and i.m confuse.. More
Sheik, there is this lovers that had sex before marriage many atimes, so they decided it is time to get married, they went to see a local mullah and told him everything about themselves, and the mullah advise them that they should repent and ask Allah for forgiveness sincerely and they should never indulge in it again, and he told the woman that.. More
Asalmu-caleykum Dear brothers in Islam my question is: A friend of me married a girl,the girl's family is in Europe and my friend is in Somalia, so the wedlock occurred in Europe. They did not come together for 4 years, then the girl came to Somalia so they had honey-moon, unfortunately she told him that once she had sexual intercourse with someone.. More
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