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3578 fatwas

  • Surprise return from travel by one spouse upon another

    I heard that it is not acceptable for a husband to make a surprise visit to see his wife when, for example, one of them is traveling without the other and is not expecting the spouse to be there. I would like to know if this is true, and also does it apply in the other fashion (that the wife cannot make a surprise visit to her husband when he is not.. More

  • Married Couple Argue All the Time

    Is there a Du'a that makes husbands and wives argue all the time? I overheard my father telling someone that if this Du'a is recited then the couple do nothing but argue. I ask this because my wife and I argue all the time and in front of our children. We never used to; she was really caring. But lately because I have now focused on my family's (wife.. More

  • Repent from Zina and Don’t Marry That Man

    I am a Muslim woman, previously divorced. I am trying to be a good Muslim and follow all the rules but am not very good. I am not doing all I want to do but believe I am a good Muslim at heart. I am now in a very difficult situation where I have sinned with a man, regret it greatly and trying very hard to repent for it. This man is now proposing to.. More

  • Student in a deep depression

    From the past few months I have been very depressed. I felt as if none of my supplications or prayers are being accepted. At first, I stopped making supplications after the prayers, then for 2-3 days I stopped praying. I'm feeling very bad about it and started praying again but I still feel like nothing good is to come in my life. I'm studying medicine.. More

  • Only One Brother Works and Others Do Not, What Should He Do?

    I am a young Moroccan 30 years old. I have worked with my father for 13 years, I have 2 brothers and 6 sisters. I am manage the company and the other brothers do not do anything (only they eat and sleep). I want to leave the company but my father does not. The company will be stopped without me. My question is should I leave the company or not? .. More

  • Punishments for disobedience/disrespect to teachers

    Please could you tell me- what are the punishments for disobeying/ disrespecting your teachers?.. More

  • Invoking blessings upon Prophet before Azan and Iqamah

    A friend of mine told me that it was the practice of Bilal (R.A) to recite Salat and Salaam before Azan (call to prayer). Could you please tell me in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah if this is a Bidah or a Sunnah?.. More

  • Disputing Over the Future of Children

    I got married four months ago with a man. Now he has shown some new sides. I asked him before we got married if he thinks there should be any difference in the upbringing of boys and girls. Now we had a discussion and he says he would kill his own daughter if she became Kafir, but only kick out his son. He also became angry with me because I think that.. More

  • Addicted to Masturbation and Watching Pornography

    I am a male, 17, living in Canada. I have a question that I am a bit embarrassed to ask. I find myself always tempted by women. Sometimes, I loose my mind and resort to masturbation once or twice every single day, and at other times on the Internet I visit pornographic web sites. I feel that I am addicted to looking at nude ladies, I want myself to.. More

  • Resident in a Non-Muslim Country and Can’t Help Masturbating

    I am student of medicine living in abroad in non-Muslim country. I am unmarried and my parents say that when I will finish study they will marry me. But here, in this country, it is impossible for me to marry because of my family restrictions. Here are a lot of bad girls and very difficult for me to save myself from major sin. So, I am masturbating.. More

  • Wants to repay money he took from father who died

    I borrowed-or I thought I borrowed 3 Dollars from my father's wallet while he was sleep. My father was sick for almost 2years and usually didn't get that much of sleep unless he was under medication. Anyway, this was the first time I saw him sleeping peacefully, so I didn't wake him up and I wanted to borrow 3 Dollars for gas. My intentions at that.. More

  • Wearing Niqab, Calling to Islam, Increasing Taqwa

    I have three very different questions to ask: No.1. How can I convince my mother to allow me to wear a Niqaab (I live in a non-Muslim country, and she's afraid for me, especially after the WTC). No. 2. How do we invite people to Islam? No. 3. How do we increase our Taqwa with Allah, both when we're praying and when we're not? .. More

  • Rituals of purification and Du'a

    1) What are the proper ablution rituals to perform after a man or woman has sex and after a woman stops menstruating? Also, are there certain Dua' that one should recite in these circumstances?2) I've heard of many stories (possible Ahadith?) saying that if you say a certain Dua' or Surah a certain number of times then you will be rewarded in a certain.. More

  • Marrying without informing one's parents

    A while ago I have been engaged to a Muslimah with my parents consent. It is time now that the girl and I feel we should get married, as I am able to do so. However, my parents are not allowing me to get married to this girl yet, as they want me to wait for a while longer until I finish my studies. I feel that I cannot wait any longer since I would.. More

  • Told Friend to See If Her Husband's Job Is Lawful

    I told my friend that she should check to see if her husband's job is Halal or not and that caused problems between them. Did I do something Haram by saying that to her? .. More