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3578 fatwas

  • Looks at His Female Teacher With Lust

    Assalamu Alaikum, I'm a guy of age 15, and i study at an islamic school, at this school we get education on islamic subject a few times in a week, and the teacher who teaches that subject in my class is a woman whom i find very attractive, eventhough she wears hijab and proper clothing i still have feelings and romantic fantasies about her, what should.. More

  • Ruling on forgiveness of Allah for a dead Muslim who did not repent


  • Ruling on deserting a person for some reason

    Assalamu Alaykum, he didnt reply to the salam of his brother in law for many months and ignored him because his brother in law was said to have cheated on his sister. when his sister told him what her spouse did he just believed her and of course most of the family were of the view that he did cheat so he just believed them that he cheated. is he sinful.. More

  • Cheating in exams

    In our university entrance system, an exam is held and about 2-3 million people take it. I studied hard for this exam and ? became 23 thousandTh. The average of our 4-year high school grades contributes to this exam and my final ranking is degressed around 24thousandth . I cheated in some of these high school exams if there were no cheats, my ranking.. More

  • No supplication is obligatory before the opening Takbeer

    Assalumalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Sheikh. Is there any dua to be recited before Takbiratul Ihram in any kind of salah, like fard, sunnah or nafl? My family members usually recite this dua before takbeer and then say the takbeer:- "I have turned my face in complete devotion to the One Who created the heavens and the earth, and I am not one of.. More

  • Rulings related to accidental killing

    Assalamu alaikum shaikhI am herbal physician .before my course I treat patient and two ladies died due to my is my mother and second another women.2nd women husband forgive me . Now I repent will Allah forgive meI always in depression what can I do .. More

  • How to expiate if one repeats breaking an oath

    Assalamu AlaykumPlease I made an oath not to do a particularly bad deed anymore but I later fell into it. Then, I did Kaffarah by feeding 10 needy people from the average of what we eat in our area. Unfortunately, I fell into the same bad deed again after the first kaffarah, do I need to keep doing kaffarah like this forever when I do the mistake or.. More

  • The promise is not an oath, and it does not entail expiation

    If one promises Allah while repenting that, " I promise Allah I'll not do so and so sin again, please forgive me." Then does it fall into taking oath to Allah or in name of Allah. Do we need to do Kaffarah if we happen to fall into same sin. Or we just need to sincerely repent again? Jazakallah .. More

  • Obeying parents is an obligation if there is a benefit for parents and no hardship on children

    As Salam Alaykum Shaikh, Recently a person I know who is 18 years old male was abused and insulted by his family because they came to know that the person walks 10 mins to reach the masjid which is about 750 meters, they made him bursts in to tears in they way they abused him, they threatened and made a conclusion that if you want to pray, pray in the.. More

  • Is it permissible to overeat if one is underweight?

    Assalamu alaykum the problem is that I am underweight and I don't know how to deal with this . Currently I am 42 kg and if you use the body mass/height formula to know your average weight I come 64 so 64 kg is my normal weight range . My parents advised me that i should eat 5 to 6 meals per day . My normal diet consist of few mouth falls 2 or 3 times.. More

  • How to get rid of disturbing dreams

    I want to ask a question about dreams. Since the beginning of this year I have been have gay sexual dreams that I don't like. they always come and go but there was a time it came too close so I prayed very hard for them to stop they stop from about two months only but then something happened last month I started having different sexual dreams that I.. More

  • Ruling on giving charity to disbelievers

    Asalaam aleykum. first i want to thank you for the quick response to my previous question regarding Riba. may Allah increase you in knowledge and grant you long life so that you continue to help us. amin. i have questions about Relating to non - muslims. 1st, i have been giving sadaqah to a poor family that claim to be muslims, but they no longer offer.. More

  • The Time to Recite the Evening and Morning Thikr

    When should I recite dhikr أمسينا وأمسى الملك لله...رب أسألك خير ما في هذه الليلة ...before maghrib or after maghrib? .. More

  • Wants to marry a girl but is afraid his parents may not agree

    Assalam U AlaikumI know a girl who is facing domestic abuse, and the only way to save her is to marry her. However, my parents aren't happy with this decision. They will accept it if I try to convince them, but they won't be happy with it. What would be more pleasing to Allah SWT, saving this girl or pleasing my parents?Jazak Allah .. More

  • How to ask forgiveness for violating incorporeal rights?

    What is the punishment for looking at a women naked without their consent?How to ask for forgiveness?Should forgiveness be asked from both god and the women offended? What to do if u are afraid to reveal the transgression to the women as it will cause problems? What if the age of the transgressor is between 16-18? .. More