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I have breastfed my foster child upon the request of his parents up yo the age of 2yrs. His parents divorced and mother left. My husband and I took him to her as he wished yo get yo know her. She did not want him back. His father has been present however never contributed financially. Now at the age of 24 the young man wants to get married and his biological.. More
Asalam. I'm 27 years old and a divorcee. I need to know more about marriage related fatwa. My parents are forcing me to marry a person, but I don't like it. Im interested in a proposal, but parents rejected it just because of financial background. And they are abusing me with worse words.. I'm in deep pain.. I'm keeping silent, because I'm afraid that.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.My father passed away few days ago. He had cancer. As he is gone, I am remembering everything about how much he cared and loved me and I hurt him so much. I remember so many incidents, where I hurt him a lot. I used to take lot of money from him lying, I need money for this and that. Before he died, I knew his time was near but I was.. More
Father has different opinions than me and he forces me to wear pants below ankles and makes me repeat after an electronic adhan and recite intention out loud and he gets mad at me for other things. Should I follow his opinions? Or keep my own? (Also why was I not answered last time, I was told that my question was too long, but it was under 2a000 characters... More
If I understood correctly, there are two opinions about who the relatives that ties of kinship must be upheld with are - mahram relatives e.g. siblings and uncles, OR any relative you have blood ties with. I'm confused about this second one because technically we have a blood tie with every human on earth? So where would it end? 2nd, 3rd, 4th cousins?.. More
Is it considered begging to ask money from Parents?. I am an 18 year old college student and my main source of income comes from my parents, they give me money once a week and sometimes i remind them to give me money on time. And also is it considered begging when i ask money from my parents without a case of necessity such as for hanging out, shopping.. More
What is the ruling on praying on other peoples’ property? Is it necessary to ask the owner’s permission to do that first before praying? For example, if I am out and I need to pray, especially when the owner is not Muslim and doesn’t know that which prayer is. Also, if the owner of the property refuses to allow me to pray there, and the time for.. More
What are the signs to know that someone has seen Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam in dream? How to verify that someone has seen him [Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam] in dream?
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Asalamu Alaikum. I have a dilemma where i married a muslimah without telling my parents because they don’t want me to marry her simply because she is not from my country. I tried for the past yesr to convince my parents that they should let me, but even my siblings told me bluntly that they will never agree because that want me to marry only from.. More
With regards to permissible actions such as eating, drinking, studying wordly sciences and so on, I know that in order to turn them into acts of worship you must have the correct intention e.g. you can intend by eating to gain strength to worship Allaah. My question is do you have to maintain this intention and keep it in mind throughout the duration.. More
A few months ago I asked one of my older cousins to relate to my younger female cousins to maintain distance from our male cousins as they touch each other too much and think "they are like our brothers". After my older cousin did, the younger cousins have been accusing me of backbiting and have been treating me in an estranged manner. It feels like.. More
As-salamu aleykum.I study Islam for many hours during my days but I have this constant burden on my heart that I am sinful for not teaching my family and especially my younger brother who is 16 and doesn’t pray regularly. I feel like they are not open for these topics and don’t like to go beyond the cultural norm, Allah knows why. I simply don’t.. More
As-Salaam Alaykum. If someone wishes to write a book or create a video series based (loosely or heavily) on another work, is it mandatory to get permission from the author? The person intending to create the new series will rely on the hadeeth gradings and overall structure of the book. Jazakallah Khayran
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Assalaamu AlaikumI am 16 and have seen the fatwa on begging. Is asking someone for something or requesting something such as asking your mother for water or drink or if you can eat some of the food or asking your sister if you can eat some of her chips and your uncle for a charger or requesting that your sister buy you something begging?
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3) A: How many types of people in islam in terms of knowledge. I know only 2 type. Lay man and scholar. [As far as I know, scholar can do ijhtihad/qiyas. And the lay man have to follow the scholar].Is there a third type (for example of student of knowledge)? If yes, can they make ijhtihad?
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