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3581 fatwas

  • Afraid to tell her husband about her debt

    I had a financial debt that I accumulated during my marriage with out my husband's knowledge. It is now paid off with money that I saved up. I never told my husband about this because it would damage our relationship and cause great tension and distance between us. Does this fall under one of the categories where it is permissible to tell a lie?.. More

  • A French kiss between men

    Is it permissible for a man to French kiss a man while none of them feels any sexual joy? .. More

  • Sneezing more than three times

    Is it correct that a person who sneezes says Al-Hamdu Lillaah at the first three times he sneezes only? .. More

  • Thinking about vowing is not a vow

    Insha Allaah, I hope you can understand what I am going through. Many times a thought comes to me of making Nazr to do something or Nazr of not doing something. These kinds of thoughts come to me many times, and make me tired, because in many times I can not fulfill this Nazr. And all the time, I ask Allaah not to accept any kind of such thinking.. More

  • Attending knowledge circles of a female teacher who adopts some wrong opinions

    I have a very important question for me and many other women in my community. Please answer as soon as possible we are waiting anxiously. We have set up for the past few years Dhikr session where a senior Muslim lady does Tafseer of the Quran and goes over Hadeeth with us. She had started but not completed an Aalim course years ago. First of all.. More

  • Controlling anger

    Could you please tell me of the best way to overcome anger and the ability to control oneself in difficult and challenging circumstances. I'm aware of the significance of reciting "A'udhu Billaahi mina sh-Shaytaanir-Rajeem" - "I seek protection of Allaah against the accursed satan". However certain situations get the better of you, so please advise.. More

  • Giving greeting of Salaam when entering houses

    Is it true that we are supposed to say Assalaamu Alaykum at the time of entering our house and Khudahafeez at the time of leaving it even if there is no one in the house at the time of entry or exit? Please quote a related Hadeeth. .. More

  • How to attain the rank of the pious

    I want to know if a Muslim can attain the rank of the pious if he didn't memorize the full Quran and didn't study in an Islamic university. Can they still get the highest place of Jannah based on their deeds and character? .. More

  • The best mention of Allaah

    I would be grateful if you could tell me what is the best Dhikr that keeps our mind occupied and our heart pure of satanic desires. And also please tell me the time at which Du'a are usually listened at and what's the best way to make a Du'a so that it can be fulfilled. .. More

  • Time of dreams that are most likely to be true

    which dream is real before elfajr or after.. More

  • Thanking Allaah for His favours in detail

    Is it must to mention favors of God on regular basis in prayer or Du'a, for instance to thank for eyes, ears, accidents one escaped in life while driving, etc. It entails lots of time if done on regular basis like Salat each day because one keeps remembering numerous blessings. Please explain in reference to Quranic verses, which say to "mention.. More

  • The cursed language and the cursed tribe

    Please can you tell me about cursed language and cursed tribe? I heard some people saying cursed language and cursed tribe for a certain language and tribe. So I do not think this is fair to say. But can you tell me more about, if there are such things in Islamic principle or not? .. More

  • Worried about not seeing the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in dreams

    If one keeps on seeing Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in dreams after certain intervals of time, then at once he stops coming to him/her. Does this show lack of faith on his/her part? How can one revive the lost blessing? Because one can feel the loss!! Is there any specific Du'a or Darood? .. More

  • Asking Allaah to forgive the disbelievers

    I wanted to know that is it ok to pray for the Kuffaar's because as far as I know you can only pray for their guidance but you cannot pray for anything else but someone just recently told me that our Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, did ask Allaah to forgive Kaafir's. If you look at what happened to the people of Kuraish. He did ask.. More

  • Imitating the sound of a pig

    Is it Haraam to make the sound of the pig from your throat?.. More