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3581 fatwas

  • Refuses to watch non-Islamic TV shows with her husband

    My husband wants me to see television with him and to see all the programs and film but not the Islamic ones. I refused and told him I'm trying to improve myself to be a real good Muslim woman and I set in another room reading, or doing any useful matter. Am I guilty towards him and what should I do not to make him angry from me?.. More

  • A woman conceals her adultery from her husband

    This question is regarding Fatwa: 6301. Is it not the husband's right to know that a woman has committed adultery, for if she does not seek forgiveness from him, surely Allaah is all just, and meaning on the Day of Judgement He would know and take from her good deeds? And of course then he would know anyway? Does it mean if she don't tell her husband.. More

  • Swearing to a lie by Allaah

    I have a wife but I committed a sin by swearing in the name of Allaah to another woman that I am not married to her and she is not carrying my child. I knew this is a big sin. What should I do now?.. More

  • Continues to commit sins and prays

    If someone commits sins everyday and he prays five times a day and the next he lives commit sins would Allaah forgive and grant paradise?.. More

  • Married couple showing affection before their parents during Eed

    I hope you will forgive to what limit physically and verbally a husband can show affection to his wife in presence of home members i.e. parents and their small kids at time of occasion like Eed, wedding day etc, as my husband hold my hands and kiss me over them and then kiss on my forehead sitting among parents, and when only kids are sitting.. More

  • Meaning of a dream

    While I was sleeping I heard some sort of noise and then I felt as if the angel of death has come to took me back so I did said "Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah Muhammad Rasool Allaah" then that angel vanished. What was this all please explain me I am really worry if you don't deal in it then give me English site link please. .. More

  • Eating with non-Muslims

    My question is that is it allowed to open fast with non-Muslims and to accept invitation of Iftaar by a non-Muslim host? Please explain in the light of Islam... More

  • Regrets having committed adultery

    I am married since last 3 years. With time the gap between me and my husband has increased. I don't tell that my husband does not love me. He does. But I don't know how I became so far from him, and he from me. We live, we love, we sleep, but nothing has remained like before. I then go and commit the biggest mistake. That is love and sleep with.. More

  • Delaying religious practice until age 40 or later

    As you must be aware, there are many people in the world say that they will start practicing when they are old, e.g. in their 40's and they will have fun and 'chill' in their young age, I have already explained to them that they could die before they were 40 and they could die now, or at any moment, is there anything else that I could say to.. More

  • Supplications that lead to Paradise

    I have heard that there is a Du'a which if said in the morning will lead us to a sure place in Jannah if anything happens to us during the day. What are its wordings? .. More

  • Not certain he is a Muslim

    I was wondering what to do if one is the laziest Muslim on earth? I'm a shell of a Muslim - I barely pray and am empty concerning good deeds. Oh wait, I think I must be an apostate because I lack deeds. You see, I'm so lazy I'm not sure if I'm even a Muslim anymore. Perhaps this has to do with being a revert to Islaam. In the West I have been.. More

  • Sending prayers on the Prophet

    Is it required to say "sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam" when we hear the Prophet's name (Muhammad), or when we hear the word "the Rasool"? Please advice with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • Muslimah is unfairly treated on her job

    My wife is having problems with her colleagues. Her in-charge is treating her very unfairly. She and another colleague is most of the times communicating in Chinese which my wife does not understand. When there is any latest update regarding work my wife is not informed and she feels she is left out. When once she told her in-charge about.. More

  • Wants to avoid masturbation

    I am very much worried about my bad habit of masturbation. I have been involved in it for last many years, now my age is 23. I have applied all the rules to get rid of it, but in vain. In fact I offer prayers, keep all the fasts, and try to follow the dictates of Islaam. But at night I am overwhelmed by sexual emotions and can't control it. Kindly.. More

  • The meaning of cursing

    I would like to ask you the exact meaning of being cursed, for example Islaam curses those women who pluck their eyebrows, please could you tell me the exact meaning of cursing... More