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3581 fatwas

  • Zikr after obligatory prayers

    I read the 'book of characteristics of As-Salat' in Sahih Bukhari. It ismentioned in (1:804) that Dhikr should be 33 times for each mentioned Zikr. While we do33, 33, & 34, times to complete the number 100. Is there any other Hadith which verifies this practice?.. More

  • Her husband doesn't pray

    I am a Muslim woman married to an Englishman who converted to Islam. He fasts, pays zakat and is very kind and loving husband, but he doesn't pray. I have given him a choice, either pray or divorce. Am I right?.. More

  • Wants to avoid mistakes and to learn from them

    i have a very simple but annoying question : every person in this world can commit a sin but later on he learns from his mistake and try to avoid it next time. But in my case this becomes impossible because every time Imake a mistakeafter a while i repeat that mistake even thoughI say to myself that I won't do it next time. the funny thing is.. More

  • Husband does not pray

    I'm Moroccan married in England 2 years ago. My husband is an English Muslim; he fasted in Ramadan all those 2 years but does not pray. When I tell him about prayers he says, he isn't ready to pray, even if he prays he does so for my sake. I need your answer please what should I do? .. More

  • Joining with non-Muslims for good causes

    Is it allowed to join with atheists and other non-Islamists for the purposes of making a better world, even without trying to convince them of the need for Islam? I think here of groups such as the International Socialist Tendency, who work closely with brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood... More

  • Made a vow to Allah

    I pledged that if and when ALLAH helped me find my job, I would sacrifice two goats, offer nawafil and would fast three days. I never ever pledged in the sense that ALLAH would hasten things for me if I offer my pledge; rather I did it just for thankfulness for His blessing. Now I want to inquire if it is right to do it, I mean if one can offer.. More

  • Deciding with whom their mother should reside

    My grandmother just came back from India, and her daughter (my aunt) wants her to live permanently at her house. Then again my dad also wants her to stay at our house permanently. So since they're both arguing, I asked an Alima, and she told me the son has more of a right than the daughter. I told my aunt this, but she says no, and she wants proof... More

  • A wife who beats her husband

    What is the Islamic rulings about a wife that beats her husband?.. More

  • Poems about Prophet Muhammed, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam

    I want to ask that is it correct to read/recite poems about the Prophet... More

  • Seeking justification for masturbation

    Why do you say that if wife/husband is ill or one went far away for a few days then masturbation by either of them in the absence of the other is an illegal sexual act? There is no fornication here. Moreover, masturbation relieves him of sexual tension and prevents him from fornication. Hope you will answer this question. Thank you... More

  • Sexually attracted to his pet dog

    I am feeling sexually attracted to my pet dog. If I act upon these feelings will I be cursed?.. More

  • Doing good deeds without intention

    In a Hadith it is said actions are but intentions, the rewards of deeds depend upon the intentions. Does this mean, any good action/deed we commit without first making intentions, become unacceptable? Explain in detail... More

  • Prounouncing the Shahadah before sleeping

    Is it obligatory to say the Shahada when going to sleep?.. More

  • Never committed major sins and has hard times in his life

    I had a dream in which I saw myself weeping because the day of judgment started and I saw myself praying fast in order to catch up in my prayers that I missed long time ago and asking Allah to postpone the Day of judgment. Do you think that this was a sign for me to start praying? I would also like to seek your advice about the following matters:.. More

  • Using welfare funds in Hong Kong illegally

    In Hong Kong if a family is there permanently and the head of the family is without work the government requires that he apply for welfare. If approved the government will issue a monthly amount for his family. Is this money Halal? Some people make false claims... More