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3578 fatwas

  • Correct approach to give advice to parents

    Assalamualaikum My mother has a tendency to criticize everything I or my father do and easily gets mad when things aren’t done her way. I know she means well but her delivery is harsh. This has lead to a lot of arguments, in the end usually I ended up apologizing. But yesterday I tried my best to tell her how I feel about it, and her response wasn’t.. More

  • Marrying a Hindu Girl who Might Become a Muslim

    Asalamu alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.I am 26 old I am in love with a Hindu girl from past 6 yrs she is ready to revert into Islam also she believes in Islam we also have plans to get married. She is eager to learn all the Islamic principles and roles very soon In Sha Allah. Q. I tried to convince my family for this inter caste marriage but.. More

  • Responsibilities of an illegitimate child toward his father

    Asalamu alaykum, my parents committed zina and got me , they later on got married n divorced in a very short period, neither of them took up the responsibility of my care . I was left with my grandma who did an excellent job caring for me, years later I am the one caring for my parents, my question is , is it my responsibility to do so , especially.. More

  • Ruling on lying to a patient to give him hope

    AssalamualaikumCan we tell lie to a patient to give him hope? .. More

  • Seeing wet dreams

    I sometimes get wet dreams about being involved in some homosexual activity, It irritates me the whole time having such dreams and I really dislike it and feel disgusted .What should I do? .. More

  • Dutifulness to parents

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu! I have a question... I am preparing to register to a madrasah and it will be far away from our country or maybe far away from our place... and my mother is against it not becuase she does not want to but becuase she is worried about my life after graduating since they have limited offers in job, but I still.. More

  • Ruling on forsaking a friend

    I recently have a friend who speaks in a manner when we are together (and there is also a third person), that has negative impact on my mental well being. His habits are fine and he is a good muslim. But i don't feel that positive affect that a friend should have in one's life. It feels like a time waste. When I spoke to him about the problem that his.. More

  • Reward of learning worldly knowledge

    Assalamu Alaikum!Sheikh, I'm a 17 year old girl. I'm really interested in learning computer programming through halal option (i.e. online courses from home) and start Halal freelancing so that I can help my old father in earning because I don't have any brother. Recently, I saw some posts on social media which says Muslim women should not get worldly.. More

  • Giving Fake Reviews on Products

    AssalamualikumSo recently I learned about this new way to earn money online.It is about giving reviews about products and getting money for the task on Amazon. Now, I know that giving fake reviews will be haram from another answered question.( ) Now I am planning.. More

  • Limits of Obeying Parents

    I got a job in a nearby town to my current town where I am required to use my motorcycle. My parents are saying that you should not travel there by the motorcycle. I do not have any Job to earn and I am in need of money and need to pay a loan.I do not want to falsify my promise to the new employer and neither be disrectful to my parents.Plz suggestJazak.. More

  • Nature of backbiting

    What forms of gossip/backbiting are considered haram? There is this suspicious individual who my family and I know and his friend now and then relates to me this individual's supposed true nature. He claims that he is a bad person and he relates to me his experience with him and the various misdeeds that he has committed? Am I committing a sin by listening.. More

  • Backbiting of the Wronged Person Against the Person Who Wronged Him

    Assalamu aleykum.My mother always give complain of her boss to me when i can't settle the score between her and her boss.Is this a form of backbiting? .. More

  • Backbiting an Unknown Person

    Assalamu alaikum. I happen to backbite someone without knowing that he is actually a Muslim. I live in a kaffir country. What's the ruling for that? Am I sinful? Will I be held accountable? .. More

  • The Limits of Asking Allah, The Exalted

    Assalam alaykum,I’ve been having skin issues and unfortunately it’s caused changes in my skin I don’t like and it’s caused me to age horribly. Can I ask Allah to give me back the same exact skin and face I had 5 years ago, and to let me keep the same exact face and skin for the next few years? Is this a transgression? Can I ask Allah to grant.. More

  • How to Deal with Parents

    My parents are practically at war with me for being a Sunni. I want advice on what to do because I was even forced to shave off my beards recently which sadden me to the core depth of my heart. Note that I just started practising sunnah and I want to practise it to the maximum best of my ability because I know that this is the only way to worship Allah.. More