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Alsalam alaykum, i hope you don't refer me to previous fatawaa because I have seen them and didn't find my answer, it permissible to buy and wear products that have names of non-Muslims like (Luis Vuitton, mark and Spencer, Tom Ford, Tommy Hilfiger etc...) and also sports wear like (Adidas, puma, under armour) and wear these clothes that have these.. More
I wanted to ask, that I live in Pakistan and there is a famous brand of cloths here, named “GUL AHMED” it produces cloths worn all over the country, and I am among it's coustomers I usually buy unstitched cloths from the brand and give them to tailors for stitching, the problem is that the cloths contain name of the brand that has name “Ahmed”.. More
My father gave me new cloths but he mocked the beard of tailor who made itHe gave expression like he made it late becouse he is a bearded man.can I wear that cloths?2 if my father buys me extravagant cloths can I wear it.and what does dress of high repute mean?
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AssalamualaikumI have designed and ordered a custom t-shirtYou can see them here ( animated figures are my imagination.Can I pray Salah wearing this? Because there is no pictures of living being.Eagerly waiting for your answerJazakAllah khaiyran
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Asslamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhIs there consencus that it is haram to wear clothes with images?Because I see many people doing it and also rickshaws have pictures of human/bird etc painted on them. i understand that printing pictures is an issue of dispute but what about painting?Because I read your fatwa that one cannot enjoin good in ijtehadi.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I was on the bus home from school and a friend of mine who is a girl was cold and kept asking me to give her my jacket, which I did. The jacket was not anything manly; it was just a simple gray jacket.
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Is it permissible to wear clothing for the lower body [from navel to feet] bearing the name Yahya or a Hijri date or the like?
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I have a jacket which has the "okay" sign on it. This sign is used by the Illuminati for the number "666". So some people could think that the company who has made this jacket is from the Illuminati, but no one would resemble the one who is wearing this to the Illuminati or to the disbelievers. What is the ruling on wearing such jacket? If it is forbidden,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it halal to wear Islamic t-shirts with the names of the four Caliphs on them? As seen in these examples:
May Allah bless you for your answer.
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If there is a sentence [wording] on a clothing, for example 'mountain clothes', and some of the wording is cut off and it says 'ountain clothe', is it permissible to wear such clothes? I am asking because when the sentence is cut off, the words might mean something else. If I have clothing with sentences that are cut off, can I just hold the intention.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is sleeping in red blankets haram? Secondly, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,forbade wearing red. I read somewhere that the word Labisa, which means 'to wear' in Arabic, also refers to flooring. So, if wearing red clothes is forbidden, is the use of red carpets or flooring also forbidden? May Allaah reward you.
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I live in the Indian subcontinent. In my country, the Islamic dress code is very different from what you have in the Arab world (kameez or thobe). I have seen some people in my country make fun of the thobe or mimic the Arabs speaking English or sometimes the modern Arabic language. Ironically, these people do not make fun of the Islamic dress code.. More
I am a merchant who imports clothes for women and children. These clothes contain images of celebrities. What is theSharee'ah ruling on my earnings? I have large quantities of this type of clothes. If trading in such clothes is unlawful, then what should I do with the clothes that I have?
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Is there anything wrong with ordering shoes that are named 'x' trainers? Also, if a Muslim prays towards an idol, is that an act of disbelief? What about if he is praying in congregation and the person in front of him is wearing the brand Nike, or there are words of disbelief on that person's clothing, or photos, should he avoid praying behind that.. More
I have read fatwa No. 289621; in the answer, are you referring to the name 'Nike', the 'Nike' logo, or both?
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