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In Pakistan, there is a tradition of participating in savings committees or group contributions. Taking this tradition into the digital realm, an app called Oraan has introduced the service of Online Committees. This service manages everything from collection to payouts, all within the app itself,But they charge a fee called service fee for early payouts... More
Is it in accordance with sharia to raise the age of marriage or put a limit to prevent the harms that occur due to child marriage today?
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Does going to non-sharia courts in the presence of sharia courts take one out of the folds of Islam if it is done out of disobedience?
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What is the conditions of capacity to have legal rights for men, women and children? For example, In Turkish Law everbody can have legal rights since his or her birth. I am asking what is the situation in Islamic Law. Can a 5 year old child, a woman, an insane person or a slave have legal rights? I hope I explained my question well enough. Thank you... More
We supplicate to Allaah The Almighty to save us from the trial of the Antichrist. What is the “Knowledge of Truth”?.. More
I want references about aims and wisdoms of Shariah with only the names of the books. Thank you.
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Is there any specific Fatwa for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to Halal food, Niqab and other situations?.. More
What is the modern mechanism for Sharia other than Qura'n and Sunnah?.. More
Is it true that we must think about economic, social matters of Ummah, etc., before thinking to practice according to the Qur'an and Hadeeth. This was the opinion of our Fatwa Committee Chairman.
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