Is it true that we must think about economic, social matters of Ummah, etc., before thinking to practice according to the Qur'an and Hadeeth. This was the opinion of our Fatwa Committee Chairman.
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
It is known among all Muslims and even among all people who think in the right way that Allah, The Almighty, is The Creator of everything. It is He Who knows everything about everything. He surrounds all things by His Knowledge, and indeed, He is the Most Kind and Courteous, All-Aware of everything.
Allah knows that our minds are limited. This is why He has sent us Messengers to guide us to the right path. He revealed the true religion to these Messengers and ordered them to convey it to His People. Allah has made His Prophet Muhammad the last Prophet and the seal of all Prophets that preceded him. Allah has revealed to His Prophet Muhammad
His comprehensive and complete religion which is lasting until the Day of Resurrection. Allah Sent down to Muhammad
His Book, the Quran. Allah mandated him to clarify what needed to be clarified from the Quran. Allah Says (what means): {And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.} [Quran 16:44]
Allah has also revealed to His Prophet Muhammad the Sunnah which is double the size of the Quran or more. Allah Says (what means): {Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed.} [Quran 53:3-4]
The Prophet also says: “Soon there will come a time that a man will be reclining on his pillow, and when one of my Ahadeeth is narrated he will say: ‘The Book of Allah is (sufficient) between us and you. Whatever it states as permissible, we will take as permissible, and whatever it states as forbidden, we will take as forbidden.' Verily, whatever the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like that which Allah has forbidden.” [Ibn Majah]
So, the Sharee’ah came to us complete and comprehensive including all fields of life: ‘Aqeedah (faith), ‘Ibadah (acts of worship), transactions, as well as personal, social, political and religious affairs.
The Prophet clarified the ‘Aqeedah and ‘Ibadah in details.
In all other fields of life, the Sharee’ah has set general and comprehensive rules that take into account bringing benefits and eliminating disadvantages and harms.
So, everyone in this Ummah should build on this reality and make all his matters stem from it if he wants to please Our Lord and be happy in this worldly life and the Hereafter. Finally, the Ummah will not reach the position that it deserves unless it applies Islam as revealed by Allah to His last messenger, Muhammad. .
For more benefit that it is compulsory to abide by the Sunnah and that it is like the Quran in legislation, please refer to Fatawa 92485, 91740, 88197 and 2740.
Allah knows best.
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